A trip from Kolkata to Ladakh , a region in the northern part of India, promises breathtaking landscapes, rich cultural experiences, and unique adventures. Here are some essential aspects to consider for planning a Ladakh tour Package from Kolkata:

Best Time to Visit Leh Ladakh Package Tour from Kolkata:

Ladakh experiences extreme weather conditions. The best time to visit is during the summer months, from late May to early September when the weather is relatively mild.

Permit Requirements:

Certain areas in Ladakh, especially near the borders, require permits for both Indian and foreign tourists. Make sure to obtain the necessary permits in advance.

Getting There:

The main gateway to Ladakh is through Leh, the capital. You can reach Leh by air or road. The Leh Kushok Bakula Rimpochee Airport is well-connected to major cities in India. Road trips to Ladakh, like the Manali-Leh Highway and Srinagar-Leh Highway, offer stunning views but can be challenging due to high altitudes and rough terrain.


Due to the high altitude of Ladakh, acclimatization is crucial to prevent altitude sickness. Spend the first couple of days in Leh to allow your body to adjust to the thin air.

Places to Visit in your Ladakh tour from Kolkata:

Leh: Explore the historic Leh Palace, Shanti Stupa, and visit the local markets.

Pangong Lake: Famous for its ever-changing hues, this lake is a must-visit. "3 Idiots" and "Jab Tak Hai Jaan" were filmed here.

Nubra Valley: Known for its sand dunes and double-humped camels.

Tso Moriri Lake: A less crowded lake with stunning surroundings.

Hemis Monastery: One of the largest and wealthiest monasteries in Ladakh.


Adventure Activities in Ladakh Tour Package from Kolkata :

Ladakh offers various adventure activities like trekking, river rafting, mountain biking, and camping. The Markha Valley Trek and Stok Kangri trek are popular among trekkers.

Local Culture and Cuisine in your Leh Ladakh trip from Kolkata:

Explore Ladakhi culture by visiting monasteries, attending local festivals, and interacting with the friendly locals. Taste the local cuisine, which includes momos, thukpa, and butter tea.



Travel Essentials:

Pack accordingly for the weather, especially if traveling during the colder months. Carry medications for altitude sickness, a good sunscreen, and a reusable water bottle to stay hydrated.

Responsible Tourism:

Ladakh's fragile ecosystem requires responsible tourism. Respect local customs, avoid littering, and support sustainable tourism practices.

Emergency Contacts:

Be aware of emergency contacts, including medical services and local authorities.

Before planning your trip, it's advisable to check for any travel advisories or updates regarding permits and accessibility, as these may change. Additionally, consider consulting with a travel agency experienced in organizing Leh Ladakh tour from Kolkata for a smoother and well-planned experience.

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