Korean highlights

Did you ever think about tr5avelling to an unusual country with completely different culture? Why not try? http://tours-tv.com/ru/south_korea


How do you say 'hello' in Korean?

Annyeong haseyo. Annyeong haseyo is a greeting used any time of day and translates, "Are you at peace?"; 'Gomapseumnida' means 'thank-you'; 'Eodi' means 'where', and a 'Bang' (pronouce to rhyme with 'long') is a room. You can go to a 'DVD Bang' to watch movies, a 'PC Bang' to play video games, or a 'Nori Bang' to karaoke.

vs_red.gifYou are out to dinner with your co-workers and boss. As you are eating some delicious fish you realize that the bite you just took contains quite a few bones. To be polite you should do which of the following?
Spit them out on the table. That's right- spitting on the table is the accepted way of getting something out of your mouth. It's sort of fun once you get over the feeling that your mother would be appalled!

vs_red.gifWhich of the following would most likely happen at a typical Korean meal?
'Double dipping'. When eating Korean style you will not have a plate for your food. While you will receive your own rice and soup bowls, everything else is served and eaten out of community serving dishes. Mi germs su germs. Also, while water may be provided at the table in a container, it is not usually served with the meal. Drinking is saved for after the meal (unless you are drinking something alcoholic- that is usually before and during the meal). After the meal you will be offered coffee or green tea. I highly recommend the brown rice green tea if you are ever in the neighborhood.

vs_red.gifMost Koreans get around by bicycle.
f. While this is true in many other parts of Asia, it is not so in Korea. Car ownership has jumped almost 40 percent in the last 10 years which works out to millions of new drivers. Needless to say, accidents are very common and auto repair shops do a very lucrative business. Public transportation (bus, train, taxi) is also very popular, efficient and best of all cheap!

vs_red.gifWhat will happen to you if a policeman sees you spitting on the street in Korea?
Nothing. Young or old, the Koreans have no problems and actually seem to relish making the loud 'hhuucchhhkkk' noise and then spitting wherever they happen to be. (I am always looking where I step!) Also, 5,000 won is equal to about $5.00 U.S.

vs_red.gifWhat is the main religion of Korea?
Buddhism. Christianity and Shamanism are both found in Korea but are not nearly as prevalent as Buddhism. Shintoism is predominantly in Japan. 

vs_red.gifWhat is the polite thing to do if you MUST cough in public?
Nothing; open your mouth and just cough away. Someone may turn aside if they are facing you directly, but this is optional. If you are coughing or sneezing you may share with all of those around you. Some people will wear a mask if they are not feeling well, but I have seen them remove it to cough and sneeze! 

vs_red.gifIn Korea, if you see what looks like a swastika on a building, it is probably what kind of place?
Buddhist temple. It is a bit disquieting at first, but the swastika doesn't have the same connotation that it does in the West. In Korea, it is associated with the peace and harmony of Buddhism. You will always see it on temples or on stores that sell Buddhist goods. People will even display it on their houses for good luck! Regarding the WWII memorial answer: Korea was under Japanese rule during WWII. Starting in 1941, Japan started conscription of Koreans into the armed forces. All Korean males were drafted to either join the Imperial Japanese Army (April 1944), or work in the military industrial sector (September 1944). Korea was granted independence after Japan surrendered to the Allied forces (creating North and South Korea).

vs_red.gifWhich of the following is socially acceptable behavior in Korea?
All are socially acceptable behavior. Different strokes for different folks! Dinners can be quite interesting.

vs_red.gifWhat should you say and do if you bump into someone? (I have given you the English translation.)
You don't have to say anything, bumping isn't considered rude. Saying 'excuse me' is right up there with saying 'God bless you', you just don't do it and don't expect to hear it either! 

vs_red.gifWhich of the following is unacceptable behavior?
Blowing your nose at the table. You may be raving drunk asking strangers how old they are while eating Snoopy but don't you dare blow your nose!

vs_red.gifAs in most Asian countries, rice is an important part of the South Korean diet. How often do most Korean people eat rice?
Every day. Rice is eaten every day and is usually served with every meal. There is a saying that the meal is not finished until you eat rice. 

vs_red.gifMany countries have 'nicknames' that we recognize. For example, Japan is called 'The Land of the Rising Sun'. Which of the following is Korea's nickname?
'The Land of the Morning Calm'. Isn't that a beautiful nickname? The Philippine Islands are known as 'The Jewel of the Pacific'. 'The Land That Time Forgot' was a cheesy movie (but fun). I made up 'The Land of the Shining Moon' which should not be confused with the 'The Land of Moon Shining' which is another quiz all together!

vs_red.gifWhat is kimchi?
Fermented vegetables. Kimchi is very tasty and usually very spicy. It is made from a variety of vegetables such as radishes or Chinese cabbage. The vegetables are salted and then seasoned with a variety of spices and stored in sealed containers to undergo lactic acid fermentation. Don't be surprised if you are served kimchi at breakfast, lunch and dinner. It is one of my favorite dishes and unique to Korea - a definite 'must try' for the adventurous connoisseur.

vs_red.gifBecause of their close cultural ties, Korea and Japan have a friendly relationship that benefits both countries in the world market.
f. No way. Korean was occupied by Japan (1910-1945) and the Koreans still remember and resent their harsh treatment at the hands of the Japanese. In Korea, to beat Japan at ANYTHING is cause for great celebration. During the 2006 'World Baseball Classic', Korea beat Japan twice, (only to lose to them in their third match up which allowed Japan to go to the finals and ultimately win the whole enchalada). It was quite a celebration while it lasted! Thanks for taking my quiz on Korea- if you ever get the opportunity you should vist this truly remarkable 'Land of the Morning Calm'.
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