Embarking on a journey from the vibrant city of Bangalore to the enchanting kingdom of Bhutan promises a unique and culturally rich experience. Nestled in the eastern Himalayas, Bhutan is renowned for its pristine landscapes, ancient monasteries, and a commitment to Gross National Happiness. Traveling from Bangalore to Bhutan involves a combination of flights and ground transportation, along with the necessary permits and careful planning. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the steps to undertake this memorable journey.

Flight to Paro International Airport:

The first step in your Bhutan tour package from Bangalore is to book a flight to Paro International Airport, the sole international airport in Bhutan. However, there are no direct flights from Bangalore to Paro. Instead, travelers usually take connecting flights through major Indian cities like Delhi, Kolkata, or Bagdogra.

Choose a flight from Kempegowda International Airport (BLR) to a connecting airport, ensuring that there is enough time for the layover and any potential delays.

Connecting Flights:

Several airlines operate flights to Paro, including Druk Air, Bhutan's national carrier, as well as international carriers like Air India. Research and book flights well in advance to secure the best options.

Be aware of layovers and plan accordingly. The journey to Paro often involves a layover in an Indian city or another regional hub.


Visa and Permits:

Bhutan has a unique entry policy that mandates tourists to book their trip through authorized travel agencies. These agencies assist in obtaining the necessary visa and permits for your visit.

Ensure that you start the visa and permit application process well in advance of your planned travel dates. The travel agency will guide you through the required documentation.


Travel Restrictions and COVID-19 Protocols:

Given the evolving nature of travel conditions, check for any travel restrictions or COVID-19 protocols in place. Stay updated on entry requirements, quarantine rules, and health protocols issued by both Indian and Bhutanese authorities.

Ground Transportation in Bhutan:


Upon arrival at Paro International Airport, the next leg of your journey involves ground transportation within Bhutan. Taxis and pre-arranged transfers are available to take you to your destination.

Bhutan's road network offers breathtaking views of the Himalayas. Consider enjoying some parts of your journey by road to experience the scenic beauty and local culture.


Travel Agency Assistance:

Collaborate with a Bhutanese travel agency for a seamless experience. These agencies not only assist with permits and visas but also help plan your itinerary, arrange transportation, and provide insights into Bhutanese culture.

Bhutan's tourism is regulated, and visitors are required to book a package tour through an authorized agency. This ensures that tourism is sustainable and aligns with Bhutan's commitment to preserving its cultural and natural heritage.


Altitude Considerations:

Bhutan encompasses a range of altitudes, and it's crucial to acclimatize gradually to avoid altitude sickness. Begin your journey in lower-altitude destinations like Paro before heading to higher-altitude places such as Thimphu or Punakha.

Stay hydrated, avoid strenuous activities in the initial days, and allow your body to adjust to the altitude changes.


Travel Insurance:

Consider purchasing comprehensive travel insurance that covers potential emergencies, cancellations, and medical expenses during your trip. Confirm that the insurance policy includes coverage for high-altitude destinations.

Bhutan package tour from Bangalore is a captivating adventure filled with cultural richness and natural beauty. From the vibrant city life of Bangalore to the serene landscapes of Bhutan, this trip offers a seamless blend of modernity and tradition. Remember to plan ahead, collaborate with a reputable travel agency, and immerse yourself in the unique charm of the Land of the Thunder Dragon. Whether exploring ancient monasteries, hiking through pristine valleys, or experiencing Bhutanese hospitality, your journey from Bangalore to Bhutan is bound to be an unforgettable odyssey.

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