Gondar Gondar Gondar


Mysterious and startling facts of Gondar

The Great Castle of Fasil: A living example of the dead ark of Noah 

We hope that there exist at least some who are ready to conceive what we are about to tell by now – the incredible Castle of Fasil.

And God said to Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me, for the earth is full of violence through them; and behold, I will destroy them with the earth.

It just does not matter whether you are a Muslim or a Christian or else.  You must have heard of the story of Noah who saved the world from the mighty flood by building the great arkfor many years. But do you know where Noah and his wife ended up? To your surprise, Gondar, Ethiopia is the exact spot where both of them died and buried after years of stay. His beloved wife was buried in Chilga whose capital was named after her name ‘Ayikel’.A tree of great size stands over her grave. Even these days’ people of Qemant do their prayers there.

We are of no doubt that if you can get the opportunity to visit that ark which Noah made with his hands, you would not hesitate to sell your house and put the money on it. (Exaggerated?)  Well, at least you would go to the bank to borrow some if you have not enough.


In Gondar is the ark built with stones and limestone instead of woods. The castle was built by King Fasilides to be a living example of the ark of Noah by which the species of the world recommenced. Being aware of this, when you arrive at the palace and put your feet in the compound you must experience the feeling of rushing to great ark in the time of disaster in which the only way out was the ark and the ark only.

Now we describe the interior of the palace.

The designs of this palace, as told in the previous parts, were made after Noah’s saving ark. The ground room is the example to the chamber in which great animals were hidden in the ark. To the north is the apartment in which Noah’s sons were. To the south is his daughters’ and in between is his and his wife’s room.

Now, you shall come and see it yourself for the rest is indescribable.


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