Gangaur Festival - Jodhpur Cabs


Dedicated to Goddess Parvati, Gangaur Festival is a women-centric celebration of marital happiness and love. Women dress in vibrant attire, carrying idols of the goddess through the streets, accompanied by traditional songs and dances.


What is Gangaur Festival? Gangaur, derived from ‘Gana’ which is a synonym for Lord Shiva and ‘Gaur’ representing Goddess Parvati, is a festival honoring the divine union of the deities. Married and unmarried women alike worship Parvati for her marital happiness, conjugal harmony, and praying for the well-being of their husbands or for a suitable life partner.

When is Gangaur Celebrated? This vibrant festival usually falls in the month of Chaitra (March-April) according to the Hindu calendar, continuing for about 18 days.

Significance and Rituals: The festival begins with the arrival of spring. Women dress up in colorful Rajasthani attire, adorning themselves with intricate mehndi (henna) designs on their hands and feet. They carry beautifully crafted idols of Gauri (Parvati) in a procession through the streets, singing traditional songs and offering prayers. Married women observe fasts during the festival, breaking it only after offering prayers to the idols.

Traditional Customs: Customs associated with Gangaur include making clay idols of the goddess, crafting swings adorned with flowers, and creating beautiful patterns known as ‘aipan’ with powdered colors at the doorstep. The festival culminates with the idols being immersed in water, signifying the departure of Goddess Parvati to her celestial abode.

Where is Gangaur Celebrated? Gangaur Festival is fervently celebrated across Rajasthan, with fervor in cities like Jaipur, Udaipur, Jodhpur, and Bikaner. Each city adds its own unique flair to the celebrations, with processions, cultural performances, and elaborate rituals.


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