
If you travel often for work or fun, you know that the cost of a hotel room can add up quickly. When you travel, hotel or top travel deals are a great way to save money. Follow these easy rules if you want to get the most out of your vacation budget:

Take a trip when there aren't many people around

If you're trying to decide when to go on a trip, maybe the best time is during the off-season. Even though most people can only go on vacation during holidays or school breaks, you can save a lot of money if you are flexible with your travel plans.

When you move your trip by just a few days or from the weekend to the middle of the week, you can often save a lot of money.

Use the perks you get from being a member

Most of the big hotel brands have free membership programs that are like regular flyer programs for airlines. With these programs, you can use the points you earn to stay for free.

Hotels often give savings to people who belong to groups other than AAA, like seniors, students, military and other groups. When you make your reservation, list all of the clubs and groups you are a part of to get the best price.

Online shopping is the third tip

Some hotels offer special deals that can only be used online, like by using a promo code. Using a search engine to find hotel discount codes is an easy way to save a lot of money.

When you buy a holiday package instead of booking each part separately, you can save money, especially if you need to buy airfare.

Avoid costs you didn't expect

When comparing the prices of hotels or city tour, it's important to check if the stated price includes taxes, utility surcharges, and resort fees. You might also have to pay extra to see a show or make a local phone call. Ask if the price includes the things you want to use during your stay.

See if the hotel provides a free shuttle to and from the airport

Check to see if the hotel provides a free shuttle to and from the airport. Is there a free breakfast at the hotel? Is there a free time to get snacks in the evening?

Another great way to save money is to choose a hotel with suites or rooms with kitchenettes. You might save money and time if you cook some of your own meals.

Try to be open to what others have to say

This is the last and most important thing to do. We've already talked about how being flexible with your trip dates can get you better deals, but even if your dates are already set, you can still be flexible.

Think about what's most important to you and decide if you really need the hotel's pool and gym or if you can do without them. If you want to save money, you should be ready to stay in a hotel that isn't in the city's center, in a chain hotel instead of a boutique hotel, or in a smaller room instead of a suite.


You can find great hotel deals from Uncle Lens Travel Services if you're ready to put in a little work. If you plan your money well, you might even have enough to add a few days to your trip.

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