Dehradun to Mussoorie Taxi Service

Dehradun to Mussoorie Taxi Service

Dehradun to Mussoorie Taxi Service

Mussoorie is located at a height of 1,867 m (6,096 ft) above sea level. It is situated in the Garhwal Himalayas, about 120 km (75 mi) north-west of Dehra Dun. The city is famous for its scenic beauty and pleasant climate. It is surrounded by hills covered with dense forests. There are many tourist attractions here. The taxi fare from Dehra Dun to Mussoorie is Rs. 1350/- For One Way.

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1. Mussoorie is located at the base of the Himalayas in Uttarakhand, India. It is known as the 'Queen of the Hills' due to its majestic beauty.
2. The climate here is pleasant throughout the year.
3. There are many tourist attractions in Mussoorie. These include the Mall Road, Ridge, Bhowali Lake, Naldehra Falls, Kempty Fall, etc.
4. Mussoorie is famous for its lush green forests and beautiful hills.
5. Mussoorie is well connected by roadways and railways.
6. Mussoorie is a popular hill station for tourists.
7. The best time to visit Mussoorie is between April and June.
8. The best season to visit Mussoorie would be between October and March.

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