Around Zimbabwe in 12 Days: The Adventure of a Lifetime


With its awe-inspiring landmarks, abundance of wildlife, and cultural riches - Zimbabwe dazzles travelers seeking transformational journeys. This 12-day introductory itinerary around Zimbabwe packs an exhilarating blend of natural wonders and historical insights into a journey guaranteed to delight the senses.

Days 1-3: Discover Victoria Falls in all its Glory

The first stop, Victoria Falls, needs little introduction as one of the world’s seven natural wonders. Yet no amount of pictures prepare you for witnessing its massive 1.7km wide curtain in person. The deafening roar beckons you closer, as trails deliver rainbow-crowned outlooks over churning clouds of spray.

For thrills, sign up for adventures like swinging off Victoria Falls bridge on one of the world’s most scenic bungee jumps. Prefer waterborne exploits? Then ride the frothing Zambezi rapids on heart-thumping white water rafting escapades. 

At day’s end, clink sundowners aboard nostalgic steamships drifting past bathing hippos. Back in town, dine overlooking the iconic Victoria Falls National Park bridge before retiring to the soothing chorus of frogs.

Days 4-5: Fabled Wildlife Encounters Beckon in Hwange

Entering Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe’s largest wildlife reserve, prepare for phenomenal games sightings across over 14,600 sq km. Following expert trackers in open-top 4x4s, scan golden savannas and acacia woodlands for the “Big Five” - lions, leopards, elephants, buffaloes and rhinos.

But Hwange’s expansive grasslands also sustain impressive herds of zebras, giraffes and numerous antelope species like greater kudu. And lucky travelers may spot endangered African wild dogs on early morning game drives, their mottled coats camouflaged in dappled light.

As the heat peaks, head out on foot with armed scouts to seek out smaller species. Study colorful lizards and birds close-up, learn to identify animals by their tracks and watch dung beetles in action!

Days 6-7: Lose Yourself in Mystical Matobo Hills

In Matobo National Park, scenic granite outcrops beckon adventurers to uncover their secrets. Climb to hilltop grave of colonial founder Cecil Rhodes framed against endless vistas, once known as “View of the World”. On meandering hikes, spot elusive leopards and black rhinos grazing hidden valley glades.

Descend into cool caves harboring rock art and discerning eye may glimpse diminutive bushmen spirits called “Shave” still roaming their ancient homeland. Tracking white rhinos at dawn and witnessing preserved bushman cave paintings connects visitors to Matobo’s deep, rich history.

Days 8-9: Cruise Lake Kariba’s Pristine Shores

At 220km long, Lake Kariba impounds the Zambezi River behind iconic Kariba Dam, creating the world’s largest man-made reservoir. Fringed by mountains, Lake Kariba’s islands and bays host astonishing wildlife observable on leisurely cruises.

Charter a houseboat and wake to honor sunrise with steaming coffee, cameras ready. Cruise into narrow Sanyati Gorge, where bellowing hippos echo between towering canyon walls as fish eagles circle overhead. Around islands further north, spot elephant herds swimming from shore to shore. At day’s end, beach the houseboat to barbecue fresh bream beneath a dazzling night sky.

Days 10-11: Uncover Great Zimbabwe Ruins

The greatest medieval empire south of the Sahara left behind no written records. However, the magnificent stone city walls and towers of Great Zimbabwe provide enduring clues to its former glory. Embark on a time travel adventure imagining the lives of ancestors who erected these monuments between the 11th-15th centuries.

While the stone enclosures and conical towers invite questions about their function, elder guides explain decorative motifs hinting at customs, spiritual beliefs and the sacred role of cattle in Shona culture. Beyond the monuments, further context comes from visiting chief’s courts in nearby villages - windows into how ancient social systems and customs continue today.

An Unforgettable African Adventure Beckons

From thunderous waterfalls to majestic wildlife and lost civilizations, this 12-day itinerary around Zimbabwe packs iconic experiences with endless opportunities to tailor your own adventure. 

With unique landscapes, exhilarating activities, and the warmest hospitality - Zimbabwe creates unforgettable journeys promising to awaken your senses to Africa’s breathtaking beauty.

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