Are You the Perfect Passenger?


According to a recent article posted on the, the perfect airline passengers are single European men, in their 30s traveling for pleasure. 

Once he’s got his airline tickets, it seems the single European man is content to go about his travels, with minimal interaction with airline staff. 

Is that what it takes to be a perfect passenger?

For those we aren't "perfect passengers," listen up to what your problem may be. 

The majority of the complaints listed in the survey on Skyscanner sound like a perfect storm of airline staff complaints:  The most egregious offenders are customers who snap their fingers to get a flight attendant’s attention. A close second are fliers eager to disembark from the plane before its even arrived at the gate, and our personal favorite – customers who insist on stuffing oversized luggage into the overhead compartment.

Based on this list, passengers can go a long way to improving their behavior. 

We could summarize the findings very simply:  Be polite, follow directions, and have patience when travelling!

Alicia Staley from New Media Travel contributed to this report

Image/Courtesy Google Images

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