The Warkworth Donnybrook is a community hosted auction sale that takes second hand items from hundreds of households in the area to dispense to thousands of shoppers from miles around.


The charity includes the auctioneer's time and skill. Everyone here is a volunteer, including the auctioneers. Look at all the stuff. It's an entire town's junk.


The material is made up of everything you could possibly imagine - tools and toys and old fashion, low technology items. Some people joke that they see 'the same stuff every year'.  But that's good for the community - people donate the material and others buy it - the money goes to help improve the town.


If you are interested in learning more about this event, I covered my visit to The Warkworth Donnybrook on Wondercafe and wrote about the entire journey on Dumpdiggers too - because it is rather like a dump in there and you have to dig through stuff all night to find anything good.


Do you see the scale of this exhibition? This is a big event in a small place in eastern Ontario.


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