The Annapurna Round Trek, also known as the Annapurna Circuit Trek, is one of Nepal's most iconic and diverse trekking routes, drawing adventurers from around the world. Spanning roughly 12 days, this trek offers an unparalleled journey through a wide range of landscapes, cultures, and altitudes. Starting from the bustling city of Kathmandu, trekkers make their way to the small town of Besisahar, which serves as the gateway to the Annapurna region. From here, the trail meanders through lush subtropical forests, picturesque rice terraces, and charming villages, providing an early glimpse into the rich cultural tapestry of Nepal.
As the trek progresses, the path follows the Marsyangdi River, gradually gaining elevation and revealing more of the majestic Himalayan scenery. Trekkers pass through several traditional villages, including Jagat, Dharapani, and Chame, each offering unique insights into local life and hospitality. The trail is dotted with suspension bridges that span deep gorges and cascading waterfalls, adding a touch of adventure and excitement to the journey. The increasing altitude brings cooler temperatures and a change in flora, with dense pine forests replacing the subtropical vegetation.
Around the midpoint of the trek, the village of Manang serves as a crucial acclimatization stop. Here, trekkers spend an extra day adjusting to the high altitude, exploring the area through short hikes to nearby attractions like Gangapurna Lake and the ancient Bhojo Gumba monastery. This pause helps to mitigate the risks of altitude sickness and prepares trekkers for the challenging days ahead. Leaving Manang, the trail climbs steadily to Yak Kharka and Thorong Phedi, where the landscape becomes more barren and rugged, characterized by alpine meadows and rocky terrain.
The climax of the Annapurna Round Trek is the crossing of the Thorong La Pass, which, at an elevation of 5,416 meters, is the highest point on the trek. This section demands an early start and a strenuous climb, but the effort is rewarded with breathtaking panoramic views of snow-capped peaks and a profound sense of achievement. Descending from the pass, trekkers reach the sacred town of Muktinath, a site of religious significance for both Hindus and Buddhists, known for its temple and eternal flame.
The final leg of the trek descends through the Kali Gandaki Gorge, one of the deepest gorges in the world, towards the town of Jomsom. The landscape here is starkly different, with the arid, windswept terrain of the Mustang region providing a dramatic contrast to the lush greenery of the trek’s beginning. From Jomsom, a short flight takes trekkers to the serene lakeside city of Pokhara, where they can relax and reflect on their incredible journey through one of the most beautiful and varied trekking routes on the planet. The Annapurna Round Trek is not just a physical challenge but also a deeply enriching cultural and spiritual experience, offering a microcosm of Nepal's natural beauty and diverse heritage.
Annapurna round/Circuit Trek Itinerary:
Day 1: Drive from Kathmandu (1,400m) to Besisahar (760m).
Day 2: Trek from Besisahar (760m) to Bhulbhule (840m) - 5-6 hours.
Day 3: Trek from Bhulbhule (840m) to Jagat (1,300m) - 5-6 hours.
Day 4: Trek from Jagat (1,300m) to Dharapani (1,960m) - 5-6 hours.
Day 5: Trek from Dharapani (1,960m) to Chame (2,710m) - 5-6 hours.
Day 6: Trek from Chame (2,710m) to Pisang (3,300m) - 5-6 hours.
Day 7: Trek from Pisang (3,300m) to Manang (3,540m) - 6-7 hours.
Day 8: Acclimatization in Manang (3,540m).
Day 9: Trek from Manang (3,540m) to Yak Kharka (4,050m) - 4-5 hours.
Day 10: Trek from Yak Kharka (4,050m) to Thorong Phedi (4,450m) - 4-5 hours.
Day 11: Trek from Thorong Phedi (4,450m) to Muktinath (3,800m) via Thorong La Pass (5,416m) - 7-8 hours.
Day 12: Drive from Muktinath (3,800m) to Jomsom (2,720m) - 5-6 hours. than fly to Pokhara.
How Much Does the Annapurna Circuit Trek Cost?
The cost of trekking the Annapurna Circuit varies. For an independent trek, you'll need permits: the Annapurna Conservation Area Permit (around $30) and the TIMS card (around $20). Transportation costs include a bus from Kathmandu to Besisahar ($10-20) and possibly a jeep to Chame ($20-30). Returning from Pokhara to Kathmandu by bus costs $10-20, while a flight is $100-150. Tea house accommodations cost $5-10 per night, and meals are $20-30 per day. Extras like internet, hot showers, and charging devices cost $1-5 each.
For guided treks, basic packages range from $600-1,000 per person, mid-range from $1,000-1,500, and luxury options from $1,500-2,500. These packages typically include permits, accommodation, food, a guide, and porters. Plan for some extra expenses for emergencies or changes.
Which Month of the year is the best time to go on Annapurna Circuit Trek?
The best months to trek the Annapurna Circuit are during the pre-monsoon (spring) and post-monsoon (autumn) seasons. Specifically, these months are:
Spring (March to May)
March to May: The weather is generally stable, with warmer temperatures and clear skies. This is also the time when rhododendron forests are in full bloom, adding beautiful colors to the scenery. The trails are busy, but the vibrant flora and favorable weather make it a popular choice.
Autumn (September to November)
September to November: This is considered the best time to trek the Annapurna Circuit. The monsoon rains have cleared the dust and pollution from the air, providing excellent visibility. The temperatures are moderate, and the skies are mostly clear. The trails are at their busiest, but the views and conditions are ideal for trekking.
Other Considerations
Winter (December to February): It is possible to trek during winter, but the temperatures can be very cold, especially at higher altitudes. Some passes may be closed due to heavy snowfall.
Monsoon (June to August): The monsoon season brings heavy rains, which can make the trails slippery and increase the risk of landslides. Leeches are also more common during this time. However, it can be a good time to trek the rain-shadow areas like Upper Mustang.
Choosing the right time to trek depends on your preferences for weather, scenery, and trail conditions.
Annapurna Circuit Trek: What to Expect
The Annapurna Circuit Trek is renowned for its stunning scenery and diverse landscapes, but it also presents several significant challenges. Here are some of the major difficulties trekkers may face:
1. Altitude and Acclimatization
High Altitude: The trek reaches its highest point at Thorong La Pass (5,416 meters or 17,769 feet), which can lead to altitude sickness.
Acclimatization: Proper acclimatization is essential to avoid acute mountain sickness (AMS). The body needs time to adjust to the lower oxygen levels at high altitudes.
2. Physical Fitness
Physical Demands: The trek involves long days of walking, often 6-8 hours per day, over varied and sometimes rugged terrain.
Fitness Level: A good level of physical fitness and stamina is necessary to handle continuous exertion.
3. Weather Conditions
Unpredictable Weather: Weather can be highly variable, with conditions changing rapidly. Trekkers can experience rain, snow, and extreme cold, especially at higher elevations.
Monsoon Season: During the monsoon season (June to September), trails can be slippery and muddy, and landslides are more common.
4. Trail Conditions
Terrain: The trek features a mix of well-maintained paths, rocky trails, and sometimes steep and narrow sections that can be challenging to navigate.
Distance: The full circuit covers approximately 160-230 km (100-145 miles) depending on the exact route taken, requiring sustained effort over multiple days.
5. Logistics and Planning
Permits: Trekkers need to obtain the Annapurna Conservation Area Permit (ACAP) and Trekkers' Information Management System (TIMS) card.
Accommodation: While teahouses are available along the route, during peak trekking seasons, securing accommodation can be competitive.
6. Health and Safety
Medical Facilities: Medical facilities are limited in remote areas, making it crucial to carry a basic first aid kit and any necessary medications.
Rescue Services: In case of severe illness or injury, evacuation can be difficult and expensive. It’s recommended to have insurance that covers high-altitude trekking and helicopter evacuation.
7. Mental and Emotional Challenges
Loneliness and Isolation: The trek can be mentally challenging due to the isolation and the repetitive nature of daily trekking.
Mental Stamina: Maintaining motivation and coping with potential discomfort, fatigue, and the harsh environment requires mental resilience.
Tips to Overcome These Challenges:
  • Proper Preparation: Train physically before the trek and ensure you have all necessary gear and supplies.
  • Acclimatize Properly: Take your time to acclimatize, ascend gradually, and stay hydrated.
  • Weather Planning: Check weather forecasts regularly and be prepared for adverse conditions.
  • Permits and Insurance: Ensure you have all necessary permits and comprehensive travel insurance.
  • Stay Informed: Learn about the symptoms of altitude sickness and be prepared to descend if necessary.
  • Mental Preparedness: Prepare yourself mentally for the challenges and keep a positive mindset.
With careful planning and preparation, many trekkers complete the Annapurna Circuit and find it to be an incredibly rewarding experience.
If you're trekking solo in Nepal, whether for luxury or adventure and need a trustworthy local guide and operator, just shoot an email to You'll get all the info you need quickly and at a price that'll pleasantly surprise you.

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