Day 1: Kathmandu (1,400m)
Start your trip in Kathmandu, Nepal's busy capital. Walk around the lively streets and see old temples like Swayambhunath (Monkey Temple). Kathmandu is 1,400 meters high, so it's not too high up yet. This helps you get used to higher places you'll see later on the Annapurna Circuit.
Day 2: Drive to Besi Sahar (760m)
Today, take a long 6 to 7-hour car ride from Kathmandu to Besi Sahar. You'll see a lot of different things on the way, like farms and small towns. You'll even pass by a river called Trishuli. Finally, you'll reach Besi Sahar, a busy town where many people start their trekking journey.
Day 3: Trek to Bahundanda (1,310m)
Now, your trek begins! Walk to Bahundanda, passing through pretty villages where different kinds of people live. You'll see farms on the hillsides and maybe even some waterfalls. Bahundanda is 1,310 meters high, and that's where you'll spend the night.
Day 4: Trek to Chamje (1,410m)
Keep walking through nice places and small villages until you get to Chamje. You'll cross over bridges and see mountains in the distance. Chamje is 1,410 meters above sea level, and it's a quiet place to sleep.
Day 5: Trek to Bagarchhap (2,160m)
Today, go even deeper into the mountains as you head to Bagarchhap. You'll walk through forests and see big trees like pine and rhododendron. Bagarchhap is 2,160 meters high, and it's where you'll rest for the night.
Day 6: Trek to Chame (2,710m)
Walk more and see how the land changes. You'll go higher and start to see different plants. Finally, you'll reach Chame, a big town where you can find places to stay and things you might need. Chame is 2,710 meters high.
Day 7: Trek to Pisang (3,300m)
Today, enjoy the beautiful views of mountains like Annapurna II and Pisang Peak as you walk to Pisang. You'll pass through forests, cross bridges, and climb up some rocky paths. Pisang is 3,300 meters high and divided into Upper and Lower Pisang, where you can see different things.
Day 8: Acclimatization day in Pisang (3,300m)
Take a break today to get used to the higher place. Explore around, visit local places like monasteries, or go for a walk to see the mountains better. It's important to rest, drink water, and get ready for more walking ahead.
Day 9: Trek to Manang (3,540m)
Continue your walk to Manang, a nice village surrounded by tall mountains. You'll see the Annapurna range and the Marsyangdi Valley below. Manang is 3,540 meters high, and you'll find cozy places to stay and shops to buy things you need.
Day 10: Acclimatization day in Manang (3,540m)
Another day to rest and get used to the high place. Spend time in Manang, talk to the local people, and learn about their way of life. Maybe go for a short walk to see the mountains better or visit Gangapurna Lake for a peaceful time.
Day 11: Trek to Yak Kharka (4,020m)
Leave Manang and go up to Yak Kharka, where yaks graze on the grass. You'll walk above the trees and see amazing views of snowy mountains. Yak Kharka is 4,020 meters high and a good place to rest for the night.
Day 12: Trek to Thorong Phedi (4,450m)
Today, get closer to the Thorong La Pass as you walk to Thorong Phedi. You'll go through high places with colorful flags blowing in the wind and tall mountains all around. Thorong Phedi is 4,450 meters high and where you'll start the tough climb to the pass.

Experience the amazing Annapurna Circuit trek, starting from busy Kathmandu and winding through beautiful villages and stunning mountains. Contact Safe Holiday Adventure at to book your trek.


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