"susan, hi....i just got an email from you but can't seem to send you a message unless we are friends. let me know what you have in mind about santa fe. your site looks very good.
all my best, judie fein"
"j'ai de la peine a repondre a ton dernier mail.il n'y a pas moyen de suivre le fil. alors je reponds ici.
oui, on pourrait en faire une liste--par ex. resto--mais je prefere, franchement, echanger des connaissances d'argot."
Hi Judith, do you have any interest in writing for an up and coming travel Web site? Check us out here: www.nileguide.com. We are looking for a Local Expert in Santa Fe and I'd love to give you more details. Here is a job description: http://www.nileguide.com/blog/2010/04/14/local-expert/. Feel free to email me at susan@nileguide.com if you're interested, or if you know of someone who would be good.
Hi Judith, and welcome to go-lo, it's great to have a journalist of your caliber with us! We hope you get a chance to explore some of the many groups which coincide with your interests, and I look forward to staying in touch!! best regards, Dave Appell