

Pulau Siladen, Manado, Indonesia


February 22

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  • Greetings and welcome to Tripatini! It's great to have you with us -- and we think you'll find our site productive as well as interesting and enjoyable.

    To get the most out of Tripatini, you may want to take a moment to join several other of our many other groups which you may find of particular interest, such as Indonesia, Resorts Corner, Spas, Diving/Snorkeling, Beach-Bumming, Eating/Drinking the World, our French, Italian, German, and Spanish language/culture clubs, and plenty of others covering many other topics and most destinations across the globe.

    FYI, on your profile you'll see a green bar marked "Text Box," which you can turn into a box containing not just text but also photos and even videos about yourself, your interests, your travels, Indonesia, and Siladen Resort & Spa.

    Finally, if you would, please be so kind as to spread the word among your travel-interested friends, family, colleagues, associates, and guests. It's fast and easy to use our "INVITE" function above left on the navigation bar to enter e-mails (even your whole list at once!).

    Thanks much for joining us; we wish you an outstanding rest of 2009 and look forward to seeing you online.

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