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Tourist Hub India Best Sundarban tour operators in Kolkata that offer Sundarban package tour from Kolkata.

Book a Best Sundarban tour package from Kolkata

For more details visit:

Sundarban package tour price from Kolkata depends no of travellers, types of hotels and food menu.

sundarban tour package price are as follows:

Standard package -5500
Deluxe package - 6500
Premium Package- 7500



Best Sundarban tour package Inclusion:

As per booking, accommodation of choice of room/ hotel.
Meals of all time: Breakfast, Lunch, Evening Snacks & Dinner.
Necessary entry fees including Guides fees.
Jungle Safari within the Boat

Best Sundarban tour packages Exclusion

The things not mentioned in the inclusion section
Extra Services (directly payable)
All porter Charges

Kolkata to Sundarban tour Booking:
Tourist Hub India
Best Sundarban Tours and Travels near Kolkata
Mob: +91 9830017303

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The Enchanting Sonar Bangla Sundarban Package

In the heart of the Indian subcontinent lies a realm of unparalleled beauty and intrigue – the Sundarban. Nestled within the delta of the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Meghna rivers, this mystical mangrove forest spans across India and Bangladesh, creating an ecosystem that teems with life and awe-inspiring natural wonders. For those seeking an extraordinary journey into the lap of luxury combined with the raw beauty of nature, a Sonar Bangla Sundarban package offers an unforgettable experience.

Sonar Bangla Sundarban package: Where Wilderness Meets Luxury

The Sundarban is more than just a geographic entity; it's a living testament to the balance between man and nature. Its rich biodiversity and unique landscape earned it the title of a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Embarking on a Sonar Bangla Sundarban Package to this region introduces you to an ecosystem that's home to the renowned Royal Bengal tigers, rare Irrawaddy dolphins, diverse bird species, and an intricate network of waterways that weave through thick mangrove forests.



Tailored Experiences: Crafting Your Luxurious Journey

A Sonar Bangla Sundarban tour package to the Sundarban isn't just about staying in opulent accommodations; it's about curating an experience that aligns with your desires. From elegant river-facing suites to private villas cocooned within nature, the accommodations themselves become an integral part of your journey. These establishments seamlessly blend modern comforts with the authenticity of the surroundings, creating a haven of tranquility.

Wildlife Encounters: A Glimpse into the Untamed

The highlight of any Sonar Bangla Sundarban tour is the chance to encounter the elusive Royal Bengal tiger. Embarking on guided safari cruises takes you deep into the heart of this mangrove wilderness, where skilled naturalists share insights into the lives of these majestic cats and the delicate ecosystem that supports them. The thrill of spotting a tiger prowling along the water's edge is an experience that transcends words.

Exploration by Water: Navigating Nature's Avenues

One of the most enchanting aspects of the Sundarban is its intricate network of waterways. Sonar Bangla Sundarban package includes private boat charters, allowing you to explore hidden corners of the forest at your own pace. Glide along mirrored waters, witness breathtaking sunsets, and revel in the symphony of cicadas as you navigate through narrow channels lined with vibrant foliage.

Cultural Immersion: Connecting with Local Life

Beyond its wildlife wonders, the Sundarban is also home to a resilient human population. Indigenous communities have coexisted with the mangroves for generations, their lives intricately intertwined with the ebb and flow of the tides. Luxury tours often include visits to these communities, where you can engage with locals, learn about their way of life, and perhaps even participate in traditional activities.

Culinary Delights: A Feast for the Senses

Luxury extends to your palate as well. Indulge in a culinary journey that showcases the region's flavors and influences. Savory seafood, fresh produce, and local spices come together to create a feast that's as rich and diverse as the ecosystem itself. Whether dining by the riverside or within the comforts of your accommodation, each meal is an experience to savor.

Conclusion: A Luxurious Tapestry of Nature and Opulence

A Sonar Bangla Sundarban luxury package weaves together the threads of luxury and nature, creating a tapestry of experiences that linger in your heart and memory. It's an invitation to explore the wilderness with reverence, guided by experts who share their passion for conservation and the preservation of this unique habitat. The enchantment of the Sundarban is not just in its landscapes but in the stories it tells and the connection it fosters between humans and the natural world.

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Are you ready for an unforgettable adventure into the heart of nature? Embark on a Sundarban package tour from Kolkata and immerse yourself in the enchanting beauty of the world’s largest mangrove forest. This 800-word article will guide you through the mesmerizing Sundarban experience, highlighting the key attractions, activities, and logistics of this extraordinary journey.*4JcmxXMW1GhOPUIqCgvIog.jpeg 720w,*4JcmxXMW1GhOPUIqCgvIog.jpeg 750w,*4JcmxXMW1GhOPUIqCgvIog.jpeg 786w,*4JcmxXMW1GhOPUIqCgvIog.jpeg 828w,*4JcmxXMW1GhOPUIqCgvIog.jpeg 1100w,*4JcmxXMW1GhOPUIqCgvIog.jpeg 1240w" type="image/webp" sizes="(min-resolution: 4dppx) and (max-width: 700px) 50vw, (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 4) and (max-width: 700px) 50vw, (min-resolution: 3dppx) and (max-width: 700px) 67vw, (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 3) and (max-width: 700px) 65vw, (min-resolution: 2.5dppx) and (max-width: 700px) 80vw, (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2.5) and (max-width: 700px) 80vw, (min-resolution: 2dppx) and (max-width: 700px) 100vw, (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) and (max-width: 700px) 100vw, 620px" />*4JcmxXMW1GhOPUIqCgvIog.jpeg 720w,*4JcmxXMW1GhOPUIqCgvIog.jpeg 750w,*4JcmxXMW1GhOPUIqCgvIog.jpeg 786w,*4JcmxXMW1GhOPUIqCgvIog.jpeg 828w,*4JcmxXMW1GhOPUIqCgvIog.jpeg 1100w,*4JcmxXMW1GhOPUIqCgvIog.jpeg 1240w" sizes="(min-resolution: 4dppx) and (max-width: 700px) 50vw, (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 4) and (max-width: 700px) 50vw, (min-resolution: 3dppx) and (max-width: 700px) 67vw, (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 3) and (max-width: 700px) 65vw, (min-resolution: 2.5dppx) and (max-width: 700px) 80vw, (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2.5) and (max-width: 700px) 80vw, (min-resolution: 2dppx) and (max-width: 700px) 100vw, (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) and (max-width: 700px) 100vw, 620px" data-testid="og" />

Located at the confluence of the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Meghna rivers, the Sundarbans is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a paradise for nature enthusiasts. This vast expanse of mangrove forests spans across India and Bangladesh, with a significant portion falling within the Indian state of West Bengal. The Sundarbans is renowned for its diverse ecosystem, home to the majestic Royal Bengal tiger, unique bird species, elusive estuarine crocodiles, and much more.

To embark on a Sundarban package tour , you can choose from a range of options offered by various travel agencies and tour operators. These packages usually include transportation, accommodation, meals, and guided tours. You can opt for a day trip or extend your stay for a multi-day exploration, depending on your preferences.

The journey from Kolkata to Sundarbans usually begins with a thrilling boat ride from Godkhali, which is the gateway to this natural wonderland. As you cruise along the winding river channels, you’ll witness the breath-taking vistas of the mangrove forests, their dense canopies reflecting in the shimmering waters. The silence and serenity of the surroundings create a sense of tranquillity that is hard to find elsewhere.

The highlight of any Sundarban tour package is undoubtedly the opportunity to spot the Royal Bengal tiger in its natural habitat. Accompanied by experienced naturalists and local guides, you’ll venture into the heart of the tiger reserve, where the chance encounters with these magnificent creatures will leave you awe-inspired. Keep your camera ready as you might also catch glimpses of other wildlife, such as spotted deer, wild boars, and rhesus macaques.

Apart from the thrilling tiger safari, Sundarbans offers a plethora of other activities. You can take a leisurely boat ride through the narrow creeks, exploring the labyrinthine network of waterways adorned with mangrove roots. The abundance of avian species makes it a birdwatcher’s paradise, with the opportunity to spot beautiful birds like the Oriental darter, black-capped kingfisher, and the globally endangered masked fin foot.

Another must-visit destination within the Sundarbans is the Sajnekhali Wildlife Sanctuary. This sanctuary is known for its interpretive centre, which provides valuable insights into the mangrove ecosystem and its conservation efforts. You can also visit the watchtowers strategically located in the sanctuary, offering panoramic views of the forest and its inhabitants.

To fully appreciate the local culture and traditions, interact with the friendly villagers residing in the Sundarbans. The rural life here is deeply intertwined with the mangrove forests, and the locals have developed a symbiotic relationship with nature. Engage in conversations, savour traditional Bengali cuisine, and witness folk performances that reflect the region’s rich cultural heritage.

When planning your Sundarban tour packages, keep in mind that the best time to visit is during the winter months from October to February. The weather is pleasant, with cooler temperatures and lower humidity. However, if you prefer to witness the vibrant monsoon landscape and are ready for occasional showers, you can visit during the rainy season (June to September).

In conclusion, a Sundarban package tour from Kolkata is a gateway to a world of unparalleled natural beauty and wildlife. From thrilling tiger encounters to serene boat rides through the mangrove channels, this journey promises an unforgettable experience. So pack your bags, embrace the adventure, and let the mystical Sundarbans weave its magic around you.

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The Sundarbans is a magnificent and unique natural wonder located in the southern part of Bangladesh and the Indian state of West Bengal. As one of the largest mangrove forests in the world, it is a popular destination for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike. While the Sundarbans can be visited throughout the year, there are certain months that offer the best experience for a Sundarban tour. In this article, we will explore the ideal time to visit the Sundarbans and why it is the perfect month for your adventure.


One of the key factors to consider when planning a tour to the Sundarbans is the weather. The region experiences a tropical climate with hot and humid summers and pleasant winters. The best time to visit the Sundarbans is during the winter months, specifically from November to February. During this period, the weather is relatively cool and comfortable, making it easier to explore the dense mangrove forests and engage in various activities.



The winter season in the Sundarban tour Package offers a respite from the scorching heat and humidity that characterize the summers. The temperatures during this time range from around 15 degrees Celsius to 25 degrees Celsius, creating a pleasant and enjoyable atmosphere for tourists. The moderate weather ensures that you can explore the Sundarbans without feeling too uncomfortable or drained by the heat.


Another advantage of visiting the Sundarbans during the winter months is the abundance of wildlife sightings. The region is home to a diverse array of flora and fauna, including the majestic Royal Bengal Tiger, estuarine crocodiles, spotted deer, and numerous species of birds. The winter season offers excellent opportunities for spotting these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat. The reduced foliage during this time allows for better visibility and increased chances of encountering wildlife during your boat safaris and jungle treks.


The Sundarbans is renowned for its rich birdlife, with over 300 species of avifauna inhabiting the area. Winter is an ideal time for birdwatchers, as many migratory birds from distant lands flock to the Sundarbans during this period. The wetlands and marshes become a haven for bird enthusiasts, who can witness the graceful flight and vibrant plumage of these migratory visitors. From rare species such as the Asian paradise flycatcher to the elegant white-bellied sea eagle, the Sundarbans becomes a paradise for bird watching during the winter months.


In addition to wildlife sightings, the winter season also offers the opportunity to explore the Sundarbans' intricate network of waterways and estuaries. Boat safaris are a popular activity, allowing visitors to cruise through the narrow channels and witness the captivating beauty of the mangrove forests up close. The calm and pleasant weather during winter ensures a smooth and enjoyable boat ride, allowing you to immerse yourself in the tranquility of the surroundings.


Moreover, the Sundarbans is not just a wildlife enthusiast's paradise but also a cultural treasure trove. The local communities residing in and around the Sundarbans have a distinct way of life and a deep connection with nature. Winter brings with it several festivals and cultural events, providing a unique opportunity to witness the traditional practices and festivities of the local inhabitants. The warmth and hospitality of the local people further enhance the overall experience of exploring the Sundarbans during this time.


While winter is undoubtedly the best time to visit the Sundarbans, it is essential to plan your trip well in advance. The popularity of the region means that accommodations and boat safaris can fill up quickly during the peak tourist season. Therefore, it is advisable to make reservations for your stay and excursions well in advance to secure the best options available.


In conclusion, if you are planning to book a Sundarban Package tour, the winter months from November to February offer the ideal weather and wildlife sightings. The comfortable temperatures, reduced foliage, and increased chances of spotting wildlife make it the perfect time to explore this breathtaking natural wonder. Whether you are a nature lover, wildlife enthusiast, or cultural explorer, the Sundarbans during winter will captivate your senses and leave you with memories to cherish for a lifetime. So pack your bags, embark on an adventure, and immerse yourself in the beauty of the Sundarbans during this magical time of the year.

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The Sundarbans, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a mystical and breathtakingly beautiful destination located in the southern part of Bangladesh and the Indian state of West Bengal. Spanning over 10,000 square kilometers, this vast mangrove forest is renowned for its incredible biodiversity, unique ecosystem, and as the natural habitat of the Royal Bengal Tiger. A tour of the Sundarbans promises an unforgettable experience, where visitors can immerse themselves in the tranquillity of nature, witness captivating wildlife, and delve into the rich cultural heritage of the region.

Natural Beauty and Biodiversity 

The Sundarbans presents a stunning landscape with its intricate network of estuaries, rivers, and lush green mangrove forests. As you embark on a Sundarban tour, you'll witness the interplay of light and shadow amidst the dense foliage, creating an otherworldly atmosphere. The diverse flora of the Sundarbans includes mangrove trees like sundari, goran, and keora, along with numerous plants and herbs with medicinal properties.

The Sundarbans is also home to an incredible array of wildlife which will be the main attraction of your Sundarban Tour Packages. It harbors the majestic Royal Bengal Tiger, which is one of the main attractions for tourists. Other fascinating creatures that inhabit the region include spotted deer, wild boars, crocodiles, snakes, and a rich variety of bird species. The sight of colorful kingfishers, white-bellied sea eagles, and the elusive masked finfoot bird is truly awe-inspiring for nature enthusiasts and birdwatchers.




Cruising Through the Mangroves 

To explore the Sundarbans, a boat cruise is the ideal way to navigate the intricate waterways and delve deeper into its enchanting ecosystem. Several tour operators offer well-equipped vessels that ensure comfort and safety during the journey. Cruising through the calm waters, you'll witness breathtaking vistas, with the sunlight filtering through the branches and reflecting on the tranquil river surface.

As you sail deeper into the heart of the Sundarbans, keep your eyes peeled for wildlife sightings. The tiger trails and watchtowers along the riverbanks provide an opportunity to spot the elusive Royal Bengal Tiger in its natural habitat. Along the way, you'll encounter various villages and settlements, where you can interact with the friendly local people and gain insights into their traditional lifestyle and livelihoods, which largely depend on fishing and honey collection.

Ecotourism and Conservation 

The Sundarbans is not only a stunning tourist destination but also a crucial ecological treasure that requires preservation. Various conservation initiatives and ecotourism practices have been implemented to ensure the sustainability of the region. Responsible tourism guidelines are followed to minimize the impact on the delicate ecosystem, including restrictions on waste disposal and wildlife disturbance.

Many Sundarban tour operators collaborate with local communities to promote sustainable livelihoods through activities such as organic farming, handicraft production, and community-based tourism initiatives. By participating in these endeavors, visitors contribute to the welfare of the local people while experiencing the region's cultural richness firsthand.


A visit to the Sundarbans is a journey of discovery, immersing yourself in the untouched beauty of nature and experiencing the harmony between humans and the environment. From the captivating biodiversity and the thrill of spotting the Royal Bengal Tiger to the tranquil boat cruises and the rich cultural heritage, the Sundarbans offers a holistic and transformative experience. As you explore this enchanting destination, you'll gain a deeper appreciation for the importance of conservation and sustainable tourism, ensuring that future generations can continue to marvel at the wonders of the Sundarbans.

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WHY SHOULD YOU VISIT SUNDARBAN"}},"1":{"type":"LINK","mutability":"MUTABLE","data":{"url":""}}},"blocks":[{"key":"20q1c","text":"There are several compelling reasons to visit the Sundarbans, a vast mangrove forest located in the delta region of the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Meghna rivers between India and Bangladesh. Here are some of the main reasons:","type":"unstyled","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"80adt","text":"","type":"unstyled","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"b187a","text":"Unique Biodiversity: The Sundarbans is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the largest remaining mangrove forests in the world. It is home to a rich and diverse ecosystem, including the endangered Royal Bengal Tigers, estuarine crocodiles, spotted deer, fishing cats, and numerous bird species. It offers a unique opportunity to witness and appreciate the beauty of these remarkable creatures.","type":"unstyled","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"eg5iv","text":"","type":"unstyled","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"ae2cl","text":"Tiger Reserve: The Sundarbans is renowned for its Royal Bengal Tigers. It is estimated that there are around 400 of these majestic animals in the area. It's the only place in the world where tigers live in mangrove forests, and observing them in their natural habitat is a thrilling experience for wildlife enthusiasts.","type":"unstyled","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"a6tvp","text":"","type":"unstyled","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"9cv05","text":"Boat Safari: Exploring the Sundarbans involves taking a boat safari through the intricate network of creeks, rivers, and tidal channels. The boat journey itself is an adventure, allowing you to witness the breathtaking scenery, spot wildlife along the riverbanks, and immerse yourself in the tranquil ambiance of the mangrove forest.","type":"unstyled","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"3dq6q","text":"","type":"unstyled","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"d93d5","text":"Rich Flora and Fauna: Besides the tigers, the Sundarbans is home to a wide range of plant and animal species. The mangrove ecosystem is essential for maintaining coastal stability, and you can observe unique vegetation such as Sundari trees, mangrove ferns, and various medicinal plants. The region also boasts a diverse array of marine life, including crabs, prawns, and several fish species which are the main attraction of your Sundarban tour.","type":"unstyled","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[],"entityRanges":[{"offset":431,"length":14,"key":0}],"data":{}},{"key":"dmap","text":"","type":"unstyled","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"8h08e","text":"Cultural Heritage: The Sundarbans is not only a natural wonder but also an area with a rich cultural heritage. The local communities, such as the indigenous Munda, Mahato, and Bawali, have a deep connection with the forest and rely on it for their livelihoods. Engaging with the local communities provides an opportunity to learn about their traditional lifestyles, folklore, and cuisine.","type":"unstyled","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"6cvh1","text":"","type":"unstyled","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"bl51m","text":"Bird Watching: The Sundarbans is a paradise for bird lovers, as it serves as a critical migratory route and habitat for a vast number of bird species. You can spot various birds, including the white-bellied sea eagle, black-capped kingfisher, Asian openbill stork, and many more. The birdwatching experience is enhanced by the serene surroundings and the sounds of nature.","type":"unstyled","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"c6m18","text":"","type":"unstyled","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"2v648","text":"Ecotourism and Conservation: Visiting the Sundarbans supports ecotourism initiatives and contributes to the conservation efforts in the region. By experiencing the beauty of the mangrove forest firsthand, visitors develop an appreciation for its importance and the need to protect it for future generations.","type":"unstyled","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"elom2","text":"","type":"unstyled","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"15i87","text":"It's worth noting that when visiting the Sundarbans and book Sundarban tour Package, it's important to follow responsible tourism practices, respect the wildlife and environment, and abide by the guidelines provided by the local authorities to ensure the preservation of this unique ecosystem.","type":"unstyled","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[],"entityRanges":[{"offset":61,"length":22,"key":1}],"data":{}}]}">
There are several compelling reasons to visit the Sundarbans, a vast mangrove forest located in the delta region of the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Meghna rivers between India and Bangladesh. Here are some of the main reasons:
Unique Biodiversity: The Sundarbans is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the largest remaining mangrove forests in the world. It is home to a rich and diverse ecosystem, including the endangered Royal Bengal Tigers, estuarine crocodiles, spotted deer, fishing cats, and numerous bird species. It offers a unique opportunity to witness and appreciate the beauty of these remarkable creatures.
Tiger Reserve: The Sundarbans is renowned for its Royal Bengal Tigers. It is estimated that there are around 400 of these majestic animals in the area. It's the only place in the world where tigers live in mangrove forests, and observing them in their natural habitat is a thrilling experience for wildlife enthusiasts.
Boat Safari: Exploring the Sundarbans involves taking a boat safari through the intricate network of creeks, rivers, and tidal channels. The boat journey itself is an adventure, allowing you to witness the breathtaking scenery, spot wildlife along the riverbanks, and immerse yourself in the tranquil ambiance of the mangrove forest.
Rich Flora and Fauna: Besides the tigers, the Sundarbans is home to a wide range of plant and animal species. The mangrove ecosystem is essential for maintaining coastal stability, and you can observe unique vegetation such as Sundari trees, mangrove ferns, and various medicinal plants. The region also boasts a diverse array of marine life, including crabs, prawns, and several fish species which are the main attraction of your Sundarban tour.
Cultural Heritage: The Sundarbans is not only a natural wonder but also an area with a rich cultural heritage. The local communities, such as the indigenous Munda, Mahato, and Bawali, have a deep connection with the forest and rely on it for their livelihoods. Engaging with the local communities provides an opportunity to learn about their traditional lifestyles, folklore, and cuisine.
Bird Watching: The Sundarbans is a paradise for bird lovers, as it serves as a critical migratory route and habitat for a vast number of bird species. You can spot various birds, including the white-bellied sea eagle, black-capped kingfisher, Asian openbill stork, and many more. The birdwatching experience is enhanced by the serene surroundings and the sounds of nature.
Ecotourism and Conservation: Visiting the Sundarbans supports ecotourism initiatives and contributes to the conservation efforts in the region. By experiencing the beauty of the mangrove forest firsthand, visitors develop an appreciation for its importance and the need to protect it for future generations.
It's worth noting that when visiting the Sundarbans and book Sundarban tour Package, it's important to follow responsible tourism practices, respect the wildlife and environment, and abide by the guidelines provided by the local authorities to ensure the preservation of this unique ecosystem.
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Tips To Visit Your Sundarban Tour

The Sundarbans is a beautiful and unique destination, but also a delicate ecosystem that requires responsible tourism practices. Here are some tips for visiting Sundarban Tour Package From Kolkata :



  • Choose a reputable tour operator: Look for a tour operator with good reviews and a commitment to responsible tourism. Ensure that they are licensed by the government to operate in the Sundarbans.

  • Plan your trip in advance: The Sundarbans is a remote area with limited infrastructure, so plan your trip well in advance. Consider the best time to visit, the length of your stay, and the activities you want to do in your Sundarban package tour from kolkata   .

  • Pack appropriately: Bring light, breathable clothing, comfortable shoes, sunscreen, insect repellent, and any necessary medications. Consider packing a waterproof bag for your electronics and important documents.

  • Follow the rules: Respect the local culture and the rules of the national park. Do not litter or disturb the wildlife, and do not venture off designated paths or areas.

  • Be aware of the risks: The Sundarbans is a wilderness area, and there are risks associated with being in such an environment. Be aware of the dangers of crocodiles and other wildlife, and follow the safety guidelines in your Sundarban Package Tour,  provided by your tour operator.

  • Enjoy the natural beauty: Take time to appreciate the unique beauty of the Sundarbans. Go on a wildlife safari, explore the mangrove forests, and watch the sunset over the river.

  • Support the local economy: Consider purchasing souvenirs and other goods from local vendors and supporting the local economy. This helps to ensure that the benefits of tourism are spread to the community.

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How can I go to Sundarban from Kolkata?


There are different modes of transportation available to reach Sundarbans from Kolkata. Here are a few options from Sundarban Tour Package From Kolkata:

  1. By Road: Sundarbans is about 100 km from Kolkata, and you can take a private car or hire a taxi to reach the nearest jetty at Godkhali. From there, you can take a boat to your destination in the Sundarbans.

Once you reach Godkhali, you can hire a boat to reach your destination in the Sundarbans. You can either hire a private boat or join a group tour offered by local operators. It’s important to plan your Sundrban Package Tour from Kolkata in advance and book your boat and accommodation to avoid any last-minute hassle.


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North Sikkim – India's Heaven on Earth

Sikkim will be the best holiday destination for all of you after surviving the blues of the past two years. Surrounded by scenic natural beauty and treasures Sikkim will be a paradise for all nature and adventure lovers.

Considered the 'Indian Switzerland' it will be your ultimate destination for enjoying a mind-blowing holiday or honeymoon tour. Moreover, Sikkim is filled with astonishing lakes, glittering valleys, lush gardens, flowers, mesmerizing wildlife and most of all the view of Mt.Kanchenjunga! In our North Sikkim Tour Packages, you'll witness various famous places like Gurudongmar Lake, Chopta Valley, Lachung, Yumthang Valley and Zero Point, Changu Lake, Baba Mandir, Lachen, and many more.

However, North Sikkim Tour from Gangtok itinerary has been one of the endearing ones by the tourists as it'll offer the mentioned places with an indelible memory of a lifetime!

So, let's dig more to know about our North Sikkim!



North Sikkim is popularly known as the 'Switzerland of India' for a valid reason!  its variety of amazing places, maintenance, and organised structure earned it this name and it will be a dream utopia for you. Located in the foothills of the Himalayas it is home to the third largest Mountain peak in the world 'Kanchanjanga' (8,568 m.) And it has a lot more to offer!

Though North Sikkim is a tiny state in India, it's still the largest state among the other four states of Sikkim. Its headquarters district is Magan, where most of its population comes from, located around 2000ft above sea level.

Moreover, the overall area of North Sikkim is around 4,226sq. meter and it is the place of the most prominent mountains, glaciers, mountain peaks, landslides and valleys with picturesque views.


North Sikkim is the living heaven of earth, filled with a variety of amazing places. It's considered the 'Switzerland of India' for its high maintenance and cleanliness and picturesque valleys and mountains.

Moreover, let's know some mind-blowing facts about North Sikkim and why you must visit it once-

  • North Sikkim is one of the tiniest states of India, but still, it is considered the largest among the other four states of Sikkim.
  • Being situated at the foothills of the Himalayas, It is the home of the world's third largest mountain peak 'Kanchenjunga'(8,568 m.)
  • With an overall 4,226sq. meter, NorthSikkim is a place with the most prominent mountains, glaciers, mountain peaks and valleys.
  • Its headquarters district is Magan, where most of its population comes from. (Altitude- 2000ft)
  • It's known as thecleanest state in India.
  • It has a very low population of only 6.9 Lakh peopleas per the 2012 census.
  • It is India's first fully organic state.
  • It is India's first ODF (Open Defecation Free) state.
  • It is the second biggest producer of cardamom,which is one of its cash crops.
  • It has the highest lakesin India, including Gurudrongmar lake and Cho Shamu lake.
  • It has the highest number of glaciers in India, 84 glaciers in total.
  • It is dwelling on one of the hottest Chillies in the world, known as “Dalle Khursani”.


These are the highlighted facts which are enough to attract you to this paradise of earth. And you don't need to travel abroad to have the essence of foreign beauty!


Holiday seasons are coming and after surviving the hard past two years you must have lots of plans coming up for enjoying your vacations. And you can enjoy all of the fun activities just by staying in your home country as India is a place of lots of stunning places which include the spirit of foreign beauty, Sikkim is one of those places. Filled with astonishing places like Gangtok, Chopta Valley, Lachung, Yumthang Valley and Zero Point, Changu Lake, Baba Mandir, Lachen, Chaten, Gurudongmar Lake, and Sikkim will be the best destination for enjoying your Puja Holidays, Summer Holidays and Honeymoon Tour.

Additionally, North Sikkim tour Packages are a full-packed gem which will take you to the 'Indian Switzerland' at a reasonable cost, with flexible and personalized offers. Moreover, witnessing the astonishing lakes, mountains, valleys, birds and animals at the same time will be a paradise for any nature lover.

After knowing all these amazing facts, you must have got lots more reasons to visit Sikkim once! And it will be the best destination for people who are looking for a natural gateway from the crowded city.


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Sikkim will be the best holiday destination for all of you after surviving the blues of the past two years. Surrounded by scenic natural beauty and treasures Sikkim will be a paradise for all nature and adventure lovers.

Considered the 'Indian Switzerland' it will be your ultimate destination for enjoying a mind-blowing holiday or honeymoon tour. Moreover, Sikkim is filled with astonishing lakes, glittering valleys, lush gardens, flowers, mesmerizing wildlife and most of all the view of Mt.Kanchenjunga! In our North Sikkim Tour Packages, you'll witness various famous places like Gurudongmar Lake, Chopta Valley, Lachung, Yumthang Valley and Zero Point, Changu Lake, Baba Mandir, Lachen, and many more.





However, North Sikkim Tour from Gangtok itinerary has been one of the endearing ones by the tourists as it'll offer the mentioned places with an indelible memory of a lifetime!

So, let's dig more to know about our North Sikkim!

North Sikkim is popularly known as the 'Switzerland of India' for a valid reason!  its variety of amazing places, maintenance, and organised structure earned it this name and it will be a dream utopia for you. Located in the foothills of the Himalayas it is home to the third largest Mountain peak in the world 'Kanchanjanga' (8,568 m.) And it has a lot more to offer!

Though North Sikkim is a tiny state in India, it's still the largest state among the other four states of Sikkim. Its headquarters district is Magan, where most of its population comes from, located around 2000ft above sea level.

Moreover, the overall area of North Sikkim is around 4,226sq. meter and it is the place of the most prominent mountains, glaciers, mountain peaks, landslides and valleys with picturesque views.


North Sikkim is the living heaven of earth, filled with a variety of amazing places. It's considered the 'Switzerland of India' for its high maintenance and cleanliness and picturesque valleys and mountains.

Moreover, let's know some mind-blowing facts about North Sikkim and why you must visit it once-

  • North Sikkim is one of the tiniest states of India, but still, it is considered the largest among the other four states of Sikkim.
  • Being situated at the foothills of the Himalayas, It is the home of the world's third largest mountain peak 'Kanchenjunga'(8,568 m.)
  • With an overall 4,226sq. meter, NorthSikkim is a place with the most prominent mountains, glaciers, mountain peaks and valleys.
  • Its headquarters district is Magan, where most of its population comes from. (Altitude- 2000ft)
  • It's known as thecleanest state in India.
  • It has a very low population of only 6.9 Lakh peopleas per the 2012 census.
  • It is India's first fully organic state.
  • It is India's first ODF (Open Defecation Free) state.
  • It is the second biggest producer of cardamom,which is one of its cash crops.
  • It has the highest lakesin India, including Gurudrongmar lake and Cho Shamu lake.
  • It has the highest number of glaciers in India, 84 glaciers in total.
  • It is dwelling on one of the hottest Chillies in the world, known as “Dalle Khursani”.




These are the highlighted facts which are enough to attract you to this paradise of earth. And you don't need to travel abroad to have the essence of foreign beauty!


Holiday seasons are coming and after surviving the hard past two years you must have lots of plans coming up for enjoying your vacations. And you can enjoy all of the fun activities just by staying in your home country as India is a place of lots of stunning places which include the spirit of foreign beauty, Sikkim is one of those places. Filled with astonishing places like Gangtok, Chopta Valley, Lachung, Yumthang Valley and Zero Point, Changu Lake, Baba Mandir, Lachen, Chaten, Gurudongmar Lake, and Sikkim will be the best destination for enjoying your Puja Holidays, Summer Holidays and Honeymoon Tour.

Additionally, our North Sikkim Tour is a full-packed gem which will take you to the 'Indian Switzerland' at a reasonable cost, with flexible and personalized offers. Moreover, witnessing the astonishing lakes, mountains, valleys, birds and animals at the same time will be a paradise for any nature lover.

After knowing all these amazing facts, you must have got lots more reasons to visit Sikkim once! And it will be the best destination for people who are looking for a natural gateway from the crowded city.


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sundarban tour

The Sundarbans is a UNESCO declared World Heritage Site and is rich in large numbers and varieties of flora and fauna, especially the Royal Bengal Tiger. In many of our Sundarbans package tour bookings, we were fortunate enough to show our guests the Royal Bengal Tiger.


Visit this beautiful land endowed with immense natural beauty and biodiversity, savour the finest of food on your trip. We bet it will be one of your memorable trips with us to this beautiful destination. Apart from this, Sundarbans Tour from Kolkata, we also offer a wide range of package tours to various destinations.



None of us like to be inside closed doors. We all want to get out and breathe fresh air. It gives us energy and makes us feel active. Travel is something that gives us energy. We experience happiness when we travel and that happiness keeps our mindset fresh and happy. Then we can think of new things and we can do much better in our field of work. That's why traveling and traveling is very important. But for the last two years everything is closed and now nothing is in its original form. The whole world is battling this pandemic and people have been advised to remain locked in their homes. We have no way but to follow what the government says. If we disobey the government, Covid will attack us and trouble us. But staying at home for so long sometimes makes us disappointed. We feel like we can go on a proper Sundarbans tour and enjoy it to the fullest. But now it is not possible to go to Sundarban. But soon the situation will change and we will be able to visit the Sundarbans once again.


Best time to visit

The Sundarbans are best visited between late October to early March, especially when the weather is cool and pleasant. The mysterious and foggy Sundarbans sometimes strikes travelers as more adventurous, as it is home to the world's largest mangrove forest along with the world famous hunter – The Royal Bengal Tiger.


The temperature can drop up to 4 degrees in the morning due to the vast open land and the devout atmosphere. With the sun shining, the temperature rises and it becomes easy and comfortable for the guests to travel. With sunset, the temperature again drops sharply and a proper shelter is needed to give rest to oneself. Some travelers prefer to stay on the boat at night, but according to our experience, we do not recommend it as it is not permissible and dangerous.


It should be kept in mind that during December to February the Sundarbans sees a rush of travelers. Hence it is advisable to make your bookings well in advance for hassle free Sundarbans package tour from Kolkata.



When we talk about the Sundarbans, the first thing that comes to our mind is the thrilling Royal Bengal Tiger in the Sundarbans. Seeing this majestic animal in its natural environment is a cherry on the top during a Sundarbans trip. But it is not the only things that drive you to go for Sundarbans package tour booking. Apart from this, you can see a variety of birds, reptiles, water creatures in their natural habitat during your tour. If you have leisure in mind, then this is going to be the best trip from Kolkata, while driving through amazing nature and then cruising through endless rivers, creeks and channels in the Sundarbans National Park.


Even your holiday trip to a luxurious cottages, resorts or hotels in Sundarbans can be more comfortable while enjoying bone-fired, grilled chicken, local folk dance program or swaying your feet to the beats of DJ . Overall you will be out from your stress and hustle and bustle of chaotic city life and this tour will surely infuse some rejuvenating energy to lead a stress free life. So the Sundarbans tour is amazing.


Day 1: Pickup from Kolkata and transfer to Dayapur Island via Godkhali


Your Sundarbans package tour will start from Science City, Kolkata and transfer to Godkhali, about 3.5 hours drive from Science City Junction. Meet and greet the Sundarbans representative at Garhkhali and board the boat waiting for you at GodkhaliGhat. The welcome drink (green coconut) will be served along with tea and snacks on the boat. The boat will start running and you will reach Dayapur Island, which is the largest island in the Sundarbans region, in 2 hours 15 minutes.


Do some important sightseeing at Gosaba Island - Hamilton Bungalow, Beacon Bungalow and head towards the beautiful resort. Enjoy the cool breeze from the river and relax at the resort.


Have lunch and start by boat around 4 pm to Pakhiralaya (Home of the Birds) and watch a variety of birds returning to their homes. It is a wonderful experience with the chirping of various birds and makes this place a paradise for bird lovers.


In the evening it is time to enjoy the local folk dance and have dinner by the local village artist. Some beautiful places to visit during Sundarbans trip:


Beautiful Port of Godakhali:

Godkhali is basically a port but a hub from where every Sundarbans journey begins. Guests get refreshed here after a long journey from Kolkata. You can take a last minute stroll through the surrounding area and market for shopping before the boating starts. Often guests take their breakfast in the morning at Godkhali.


Hamilton Bungalow:

Sir Daniel McKinnon Hamilton was a Scottish businessman who established this bungalow in 1932 when Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore visited Gosaba. Sir Hamilton did a lot for the local people and was loved by them. He also started the biggest cooperative society among the villagers of Sundarbans.


Bird Watching at PakhiralaySundarbans:

Sundarbans is a great place for bird watching. Due to its location, vast lush green forests, salty river bed and migratory routes, a large number of birds can be seen here. It is a paradise for birds.


Over 250 species of birds are found in the Sundarbans, including Common Sandpiper, Eurasian Curlew, Gray Plover, Black-tailed Godwit, Marsh Sandpiper, Barn Swallow, Lesser Sand Plover, Chestnut-tailed Starling, Pacific Golden Plover, Palas Gull, Common Includes Iora. , Orange-headed Thrush, Tickles Thrush, Yellow Wagtail, Mangrove Whistler, Oriental Magpie Robin, Dusky Warbler, Greenish Warbler, Jungle Babbler, Scarlet-backed Flower Pecker are notable. So, if you are a bird enthusiast, please contact us and book your Sundarbans Birding Tour with customized package.


Day 2: Full day Jungle safari and animal sighting

Wake up early in the morning and get ready for the most exciting day as you traverse through various rivers, canals and creeks throughout the day. Have breakfast at the resort and board the boat. The board will start sailing at 9 am and will cover the following locations in the first half of the day.



Thrilling boat experience will always hunt wild animals like Royal Bengal Tiger, Spotted Deer, Crocodile, Wild Boar and different types of snakes. If you actually see a Royal Bengal Tiger at their home, feel lucky and proud to have your Sunderbans visit.


Lunch will be prepared in the boat and served hot on the deck of the boat. After lunch, visit:


Do-Banki: A Canopy Walk and Watch Tower, about 700m Canopy Walk in the forest trap area is truly an adventure and wild animals can be seen in their natural habitat.

Lastly, visit PanchMukhi and Jharkhali Tiger Reserve area to see Royal Bengal Tiger in an enclosed area. All the sightseeing ends here and start towards the resort. Evenings are free for holidays.



Day 3: homecoming In the morning after having breakfast at the resort start exploring the village on foot and visit Rabindranath Bungalow for an hour and come back to the resort to get ready for the return journey. Lunch will be served in the boat and will reach Gadhkhali around noon. The journey from Kolkata to Sunderbans ends with a sweet memory and one to cherish forever.

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Sundarban Houseboat Luxury Tour

9622966289?profile=originalSundarban houseboat tour is an exclusive and thrilling Sundarban tour package where travellers can choose to stay at the houseboat overnight. Our houseboats are equipped with all the basic amenities that you would require for a comfortable stay.

We here at Tourist Hub India are offering 2 nights 3 days Sundarban houseboat tour package at the most affordable price. Our fully equipped houseboat will be anchored in the middle of the river at night for safety and adhering to the forest laws/rules.

Our Sundarban Houseboat tour can be personalized to match the itinerary of our clients. From door-to-door pickup and drop service to a luxury houseboat, we are providing all kinds of customizable Sundarban tour packages to fit your travel plan and budget.

Sundarban House Boat Tour Itinerary

The trip starts from Godkhali ferry ghat, which would be our base point. To reach Godkhali, you either need to hire a Tuk Tuk or board a bus from Canning. Here is how we have planned the rest of the trip.

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Sundarban Houseboat Luxury Tour

Sundarban houseboat tour is an exclusive and thrilling Sundarban tour package where travellers can choose to stay at the houseboat overnight. Our houseboats are equipped with all the basic amenities that you would require for a comfortable stay.

We here at Tourist Hub India are offering 2 nights 3 days Sundarban houseboat tour package at the most affordable price. Our fully equipped houseboat will be anchored in the middle of the river at night for safety and adhering to the forest laws/rules.

Our Sundarban Houseboat tour can be personalized to match the itinerary of our clients. From door-to-door pickup and drop service to a luxury houseboat, we are providing all kinds of customizable Sundarban tour packages to fit your travel plan and budget.

Sundarban House Boat Tour Itinerary

The trip starts from Godkhali ferry ghat, which would be our base point. To reach Godkhali, you either need to hire a Tuk Tuk or board a bus from Canning. Here is how we have planned the rest of the trip.

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Sundarban Tour 2 Night 3 Days

Sundarban 2 Night 3 Days tour with cheapest price and best service is offered mostly at weekends but at Tourist Hub India, you can find Sundarban packages that rightly fit your needs. Our sundarban tour 2n/3d consists of all the things to do in Sundarbans, such as jungle safari, and more.

At Tourist Hub India, you will get the most exclusive deals on your Sundarban pacakage tour 2 nights 3 days in West Bengal. Your Sundarban tour 2 night 3 days cost will include guided jungle safari, finest accommodation, all meals, and transportation.

All our 3 Days 2 Night Sundarban tour come in luxury and economic variants. We will provide you with the finest stay, the best quality food, and the most thrilling Sundarban travel experience. We always abide by our promised quality.

Sundarban tour 2 Nights 3 days Itinerary:

In our 3 days and 2 nights itinerary the trip starts from Godkhali ferry ghat, which would be our base point. To reach Godkhali, you either need to hire a Tuk Tuk or board a bus from Canning. Your pickup will be from Science City by AC transportation and the will provide packed breakfast and a tea break on the way. Here we have given the details of best Sundarban 2 Night/3 Days tour plan for you.

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