Mi querida Carolina, Te ruego que por favor me envies tu direccion electronica para poder mantenernos en comunicacion. Email resulta la mejor forma para mi. Te quiero y te extrano montones! I can't wait to visit y hacer planes ya mas concretos sobre La Bodeguita de la Zona!
Partner, si tienes planes oficiales de viajar a Cuba, en algun momento, para desarrollar relaciones de parte del Ministerio de Turismo de la Republica Dominicana, no te olvides de tu "socia", tu antigua "partner in crime", experta en cultura cubana y autora de varios libros sobre el tema, que tendria que viajar contigo para asesorarte en todito....
(dicho con my tongue firmly planted in my cheek, pero, no, seriamente, seriamos excelentes "socios" para cualquier negocio que tenga que ver con Cuba, pais que conozco yo de cabo a rabo, y por los cuatro costados....)
Ultimamente me estoy acordando de todos los seres queridos perdidos por el mundo entero...y tu, por supuesto, eres uno de ellos. Nunca me olvidare de los buenos tiempos, los ratos agradables, el picnic con vino en Central Park, que disfrutamos tu y yo trabajando juntas en el infame Latin American School.
Comunicate pronto si puedes, si quieres, o a pamelasmorkaloff56@gmail.com o llamando, no ahora, a partir del primero de mayo al 929-363-3996. Me daria mucha alegria saber de ti, re-establecer el contacto.
WelcomeTo Omni Mont-Royal Hotel Canadian Employment Offer Hotel Omni Mont-Royal 1050 Sher brooke Street West Montreal, H3A 2R6 CA. Good day, I am Rose from Canada, the manager of Omni canadian hotel, pls i want to inform you about the vacancies in our hotel, The management needs men and women, married and not married, who will work and live in Canada .The hotel will pay for his flight ticket and assist him to process his visa in his country, if you are interested contact us via E-mail : omni.montroyalinternationalhotel@yahoo.ca And the Hotel informations will be sent to you immediately. Thanks. From the Hotel manager. TEL. (+1-77-264-785-65)OR (+1-51-64)-41-02-24) E-MAIL : omni.montroyalinternationalhotel@yahoo.ca NOTE... DO NOT REPLY BACK IN THIS SITE IF YOU ARE INTERESTED YOU HAVE TO CONTACT US BACK THROUGH THE EMAIL ABOVE FOR IMMEDIATE RESPONSE OK.
Carolina, welcome to Tripatini, the Web's smartest travel/food community and blog! On Tripatini, you can mingle with travelers and top travel experts alike, so everybody learns how to travel better and smarter. A few tips to get you rolling:
•JOINone or more of our450+ discussion groups, covering most destinations, travel topics, and travel-related professions such as media, publicists, agents, and tour operators. What are you into? Chances are we cover it. If we don’t, create your own group!
•INTRODUCE YOURSELFby sharing your story, links, photos, videos, anything at all on the Text Box on your profile, including any relevant company name(s) and website URL(s).
•INVITEyour friends, family, colleagues, guests, anyone and everyone interested in travel! More members means a more productive, useful, and fun experience for everyone.
• PleaseFOLLOW TRIPATINI ONTWITTER,"LIKE" US ON FACEBOOK, and post/tweet about us when you can; we’ll be more than happy to reciprocate.
Mandame lo mas pronto que puedas un correo por gmail y así recupero tu dirección.
Carolina la bella,
Mandame un correo para recuperar tu dirección en gmail, ok?
Carolina querida, por favor, mandame tu correo electronico! Asi te mandare todo el carino del mundo manana mismo. Pamelina
Mi querida Carolina, Te ruego que por favor me envies tu direccion electronica para poder mantenernos en comunicacion. Email resulta la mejor forma para mi. Te quiero y te extrano montones! I can't wait to visit y hacer planes ya mas concretos sobre La Bodeguita de la Zona!
besos, abrazos, recuerdos, montones, Pamelin
Partner, si tienes planes oficiales de viajar a Cuba, en algun momento, para desarrollar relaciones de parte del Ministerio de Turismo de la Republica Dominicana, no te olvides de tu "socia", tu antigua "partner in crime", experta en cultura cubana y autora de varios libros sobre el tema, que tendria que viajar contigo para asesorarte en todito....
(dicho con my tongue firmly planted in my cheek, pero, no, seriamente, seriamos excelentes "socios" para cualquier negocio que tenga que ver con Cuba, pais que conozco yo de cabo a rabo, y por los cuatro costados....)
Ultimamente me estoy acordando de todos los seres queridos perdidos por el mundo entero...y tu, por supuesto, eres uno de ellos. Nunca me olvidare de los buenos tiempos, los ratos agradables, el picnic con vino en Central Park, que disfrutamos tu y yo trabajando juntas en el infame Latin American School.
Comunicate pronto si puedes, si quieres, o a pamelasmorkaloff56@gmail.com o llamando, no ahora, a partir del primero de mayo al 929-363-3996. Me daria mucha alegria saber de ti, re-establecer el contacto.
WelcomeTo Omni Mont-Royal Hotel Canadian Employment Offer Hotel Omni Mont-Royal
1050 Sher
brooke Street West
Montreal, H3A 2R6 CA.
Good day,
I am Rose from Canada, the manager of Omni canadian hotel, pls i want to inform you about the vacancies in our hotel, The management needs men and women, married and not married, who will work and live in Canada .The hotel will pay for his flight ticket and assist him to process his visa in his country, if you are interested contact us via E-mail : omni.montroyalinternationalhotel@yahoo.ca
And the Hotel informations will be sent to you immediately.
From the Hotel manager.
TEL. (+1-77-264-785-65)OR (+1-51-64)-41-02-24)
E-MAIL : omni.montroyalinternationalhotel@yahoo.ca
Welcome to Tripatini Carolina, I know you will enjoy the contacts, the people and the founders. I do.
Carolina, welcome to Tripatini, the Web's smartest travel/food community and blog! On Tripatini, you can mingle with travelers and top travel experts alike, so everybody learns how to travel better and smarter. A few tips to get you rolling:
• JOIN one or more of our 450+ discussion groups, covering most destinations, travel topics, and travel-related professions such as media, publicists, agents, and tour operators. What are you into? Chances are we cover it. If we don’t, create your own group!
• INTRODUCE YOURSELF by sharing your story, links, photos, videos, anything at all on the Text Box on your profile, including any relevant company name(s) and website URL(s).
• INVITE your friends, family, colleagues, guests, anyone and everyone interested in travel! More members means a more productive, useful, and fun experience for everyone.
• Please FOLLOW TRIPATINI ON TWITTER, "LIKE" US ON FACEBOOK, and post/tweet about us when you can; we’ll be more than happy to reciprocate.
Thanks for joining us – and C.U. online!