The green mountains of the Green Mountain state go gloriously multihued everywhere you look, but nowhere more so than its southern half, where Route 9's "Molly Stark Byway" gets my vote as fave driving route - just 48 miles but a superb mix of chromatically lusicous leafiness and engaging historic villages, towns, and small cities such as Bennington, Brattleboro, Marlboro, Wilmington, Woodford, and Searsburg. Brattleboro is one of the states larger, artsier, and crunchier communities, with Bennington not far behind, and all of the above boast various museums, monuments, and architecture that is New England to a T.  And of course classic covered bridges like this one, the 185-year-old Silk Road Covered Bridge in Bennington.

Read more in my post Favorite Fall Foliage Drives in New England.


James Walsh


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