A visit to Milwaukee, Wisconsin

If you want to know what the best places are in a city, ask a native. Here's the list I recently gathered from a group of Milwaukeeans who love their city, the largest city of Wisconsin: the Milwaukee Art Museum (top); Pabst BreweryHarley Davidson MuseumSkylight Opera TheaterSummerfest (world’s largest music festival); ethnic neighborhoods, the USA's fifth largest film festival; a park system throughout the city with Lake Michigan access; the Doors Open Milwaukee festival; the River West 24 Bike Ride; and glorious beer gardens complete with a firetruck that travels from spot to spot with beer kegs aboard.


It was with all this in mind that three of us travel writers ventured to this special city. One of us had lived for years in Milwaukee; we had often heard about the delicious brat sausages and cheese curds. I had even donned the infamous cheesehead worn by fans of the Green Bay Packers (actually based a few miles north), but we were on a trek to experience all that this Midwestern U.S. city has to offer.

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