
  • I can't beat the size or quality of my Leica M6 outfit. And the film is cheaper than the M9. I do love my D700 for digital. When I have to go big, the Mamiya 7II scanned can't be beat. Still a place for film in the travel world.
  • Professionals are indeed using SLRs; it's just that they're digital SLRs. The real issue for me is film vs. digital. Even though I own really nice film SLRs and accessories, I just can't go back to film, so all that nice gear is moldering in my cabinets. Film is so costly, bulky, and risky (because of the TSA). Digital, by contrast, gives me immediate feedback, zilch developing costs, and--thanks to the miracle of Adobe Photoshop--better 'n' faster darkroom capabilities than film photographers could have dreamed of.
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