No matter where you go - whether across the globe or across your state/province - you need to keep eyes open and wits about you. We discuss destinations, measures, techniques - anything that will help you get back home safe and sound!

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Most of Europe safe to travel despite the conflict in Ukraine

Whenever a situation like the horrific Russian invasion of Ukraine arises, some folks - and this is true especially in the USA - get skittish about travel anywhere within a thousand miles of the trouble. And in fact flight bookings have plummeted especially to surrounding countries such as Bulgaria, Hungary, and Poland, by 30 to 50 percent. But the website recently published a reminder that most of Europe - with the obvious exception of the countries involved - Russia and…

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Is this the strongest proof yet that flying is safe in the pandemic era?

The respected, more-than-half-century-old Frommers travel media company recently reported on a U.S. Department of Defense study conducted with United Airlines, provides encouraging results about airline cabins and coronavirus when proper protocols are followed - yes, even on full flights. Check it out:

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Protecting yourself against cybercrime while traveling

Every September 27, travelers celebrate International World Tourism Day. The tourism landscape has changed immensely since the first such celebration in 1980, with the Internet becoming inevitable for travelers and travel agents.  According to the World Tourism Organization (UNTWO), in 2018 84  percent of travelers booked their holiday through bundling sites like Expedia or Kayak instead of contacting hotels and airlines. This counts for 1.176 billion travelers. Most travelers would agree…

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  • Good to know, although I would argue including Mexico City is overblown - I´ve been there fairly recently and I think you´re OK unless you venture out to the colonias, neighborhoods where few tourists would bother to venture
    The Most Risky Cities for Tourists
    When planning a trip, travelers consider a variety of factors such as weather, accommodation costs, local activities, and transportation options. How…
  • A new expert survey just rated the world´s top 15 safest countries, and many will not suprise you - and I´m pleased to see my country Spain on the list!
    The World’s Safest Places Have Been Revealed in a New Study
    Based on traveller participation and other indices such as the Global Peace Index, this list has awarded each country a safety score
  • Here´s a helpful piece from Travel Noire about a continent which for better or worse has its share of concerns regarding security:
    8 of the Safest Countries in Africa To Visit - Travel Noire
  • This is a question that´s on a lot of people´s minds right now, and my sister and her wife just canceled a plan group tour to Jordan:
    Is it safe to travel to the Middle East right now?
    The travel advice varies from country to country in the region.
  • From a safety standpoint, U.S. travelers thinking of visiting China should maybe think twice:
  • Some good pointers/observations here:
    Perspective | Solo travel can be risky. Here’s how to stay safe.
    What I learned during my first New York City "taxi" ride.
  • In the wake of the kidnapping of four U.S. citizens in Matamoros and the murder of two of them, the question again arises: is travel to Mexico safe? A writer for USA Today just addressed the issue:
  • Travel+Leisure takes a look at what it calls the "best travel-safety products of 2023":
    The 12 Best Travel Safety Products of 2023
    Being cautious and using common sense are key while traveling — but these travel safety products will help ensure you remain as safe and secure as po…
  • Insurance company Berkshire Hathaway puts together an annual list of safest countries/cities to visit, using data and traveler feedback, and they just came out with their list for 2023:
    The Safest Places to Travel In 2023 Announced - Planner at Heart
    If you want to book an international vacation in 2023, take a travel planning shortcut and book a trip to one of these 15 safest countries or 15 safe…
  • Normally Lonely Planet is fairly adventurous and forgiving when it comes to destinations in the developing world. But even they currently not recommending travel to Venezuela, despite its cheapness and the many amazing natural and other attributes of the country, because of the security situation:
    Venezuela travel - Lonely Planet
    Explore Venezuela holidays and discover the best time and places to visit.
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