Work for Luxury travel magazine with Ned Dawson

Well read the trail on LinkedIn and you ll know he's pissed off and deleted all the responses to his ad. He's the employer but everyone seemed to forget that and decided to dress him down for not instantly responding (while out on assignment). There are more travel writers luxury or not than fleas on this earth so don't get too caught up in your self importance when going after work/.

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  • No one would disagree that it's a plenty rough-and-tumble world out there -- if nothing else, the state of our business in recent years has proven that. But in this particular case, I think there's blame to go around on both sides -- both Dawson and a couple of writers lost their sense of restraint, courtesy, and, as Maralyn Hill points out, professionalism. Tempers can grow short during tough times, I realize. But if we lose our civility toward each other, what do we have left?
  • Hi Allan,

    Excellent point. The state of the industry is what it is. You need to work with what's available or not work. I prefer to work.


    Allan Lynch said:
    I'm thankful that such writers exist as those who attacked Mr. Dawson. Why? Because it gives me job security. They're fools and children throwing a temper tantrum. Grow up. It's a rough and tumble world out there. Oh and guess what, you're parents lied, you're not special.
  • I'm thankful that such writers exist as those who attacked Mr. Dawson. Why? Because it gives me job security. They're fools and children throwing a temper tantrum. Grow up. It's a rough and tumble world out there. Oh and guess what, you're parents lied, you're not special.
  • Thank you

    Maralyn D Hill said:
    Hi Mary,

    I agree it is best not to burn bridges. I was amazed at the response that was shown. I know that I did not want my name linked with those who bashed.

    I think we've all been burned at one point or another. It hurts, it's not right, but keeping professionalism is the necessary requirement--strictly my opinion. I don't expect others to agree.
  • Hi Mary,

    I agree it is best not to burn bridges. I was amazed at the response that was shown. I know that I did not want my name linked with those who bashed.

    I think we've all been burned at one point or another. It hurts, it's not right, but keeping professionalism is the necessary requirement--strictly my opinion. I don't expect others to agree.
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