Tripadvisor Under Investigation for False Reviews

"The [British] Advertising Standards Authority has launched a formal investigation into TripAdvisor....

"Bournemouth-based, which helps companies manage their online reputations, has been vigorously pursuing TripAdvisor since last year over what it claims are numerous misleading, fake and defamatory reviews posted about hotels and restaurants.

"The ASA has launched an investigation to see if claims that TripAdvisor makes which underpin its business – such as that it provides "trusted" advice and "real", "honest" reviews from travellers – are in breach of the advertising code...."

A few weeks ago I read somewhere on this site that travel writers view Tripadvisor aka free content as the competition. How does this news strike you?


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  • I totally agree and am glad people are finally starting to take notice.  There have been too many resorts under attack by competing destinations.  Sedona is a perfect example.  Terrible posts on some beautiful places only because they were a time share...Francoise
  • This is kind of old new...  They've been under the gun for some time now for allowing business owners to pad their ratings.
  • I think it's about time. And more jurisdictions should be looking into all these websites.


    Tripadvisor claims it provides truth and reviews by 'real travelers'. Truth, as anyone who listens to Dick Cheney knows, is subjective. Is your truth the same as my truth? Colbert talks about truthiness. So that's a danger. 


    Secondly, what do they mean by 'real travelers'? I know they think they know, but give that description to a lawyer and see what comes out. Just because you travel doesn't mean you're qualified to review and rate a hotel. You can think you can comment on your experience, but what is your background for making those review assumptions? And are these "reviews" actual reviews or recitations of your one experience? Plus, we are hearing more and more of properties and competitors fudging 'reveiws' to either make a place look better or worse. That's not exactly truthful.


    And then where I think it gets really fun is has Tripadvisor vetted all 50 million reviews? Did a member of staff verify that it was a real traveler who posted the comments? Did they determine the reviews were fair and accurate and not a personal or professional vendetta? Did Tripadvisor staff contact all these real travelers to make sure they're real travelers, real people, not from a competitor ...


    Traditional media still has standards and ethics. The web, as old as it is, is still in its infancy on this and resists the whole concept of doing anything as old-fashioned as those procedures of traditional media. So let a few thousand or million bloggers and posters get sued. It can only be good for the quest for truth and accuracy.


    I feel bad for well-meaning, yet inexperienced travelers who risk their money and holiday on the recommendations of anonymous posters whose background, criteria and experience are as unknown as their identities.

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