Id rather be open and honest.I've just notched up Higher recently on helping in guiding tourists to Tanzania and Kenya.my aerosmith-kind-of-news-africa website is http://acbnews.tk.........
[STILL WANT TO READ MORE? -- Try 'I Lied to My Children About a Rock Star.' It's more about travel plus great fun to read. ].......if you have a Grand-Circle-like tourist,travel,jet fierce news or superb article or thread as big as Thailand then you can log onto.http://www.acbnews.tk

Why not share your travels through a blogoh-my-goodness-it was a delightful experience website dedicated to east africa affiars..{HTTP://WWW.ACBNEWS.TK} Over the next few months I will be telling you about many travel stories posted at http://acbnews.tk, on Facebook and via online photograph albums. To whet your appetite there is just one photo of a glorious ruputravel.com taken at about 11:00 PM one evening. Yes, 11:00 PM! That was not a typo.

ZANZIBAR's White Nights
In May the sun rose at 5:00AM and set around 11:00 PM. The 'light' it created was incredible.
This is what I saw leaving the theatre after a performance. All in all, a magical evening.

Editor Picks, http://acbnews.tk


1. These helpful pieces of advice arrived from acbnews.tk readers all around the world. Here's your top 12 travel tips for June.!
2. {HTTP://WWW.ACBNEWS.TK} created a photo album of the 'light' in BLACKFASHION GIRLS. Here's a sampling of what I saw starting from my colorful descent into some of the most glorious sunfaces I've ever seen. I hope these photographs make you curious enough to want to see this part of the world yourself.

THE LATEST IN TOURS, TRAVEL DEALS AND PROMOS FOR JULY TO DECEMBER 2013 ARE ALREADY POSTED -- You snooze, you lose! Check out the latest 17 offerings from cooking classes and pilates in KENYA to Babes in TANZANIA to opportunities for no single supplements. There's some pretty neat stuff. Click!http://ciatlux.kbo.co.ke

MOST READ ARTICLE IN OUR LAST NEWSLETTER -- Highest number of clicks for a May article was 'May's 12 Best Travel Tips.' Click!

REMEMBER TO SEND US YOUR LATEST TIPS FOR JULY -DECEMBER We're compiling a full article of all the goodies. Tell us about a small hotel you've stayed in, a bed and breakfast, a restaurant you've loved, a shop you will definitely go back to. All ideas welcome. Put the words, 'My 2013 Contribution' in the subject line. Don't forget to include your first name and the city you live in.

BLAST FROM THE PAST -- This month we chose an amusing travel love story. 'Why First Dates Don't Work and More' Click!

FACEBOOK -- Last month we reported that 672 had already 'liked' our Facebook page:ABAMBIKA ACBNEWS and were taking part in our daily discussions. This month we're way up to 1719 so we must be doing something right! Please come by and click on the LIKE button right here. If you don't already have a Facebook page get your gal pal, your daughter or granddaughter to set one up for you. It's so easy and you never have to post anything about yourself. Just join in the travel conversations - see photos, ask questions, get advice and lots of helpful tips for your upcoming trips.

UNTIL OUR NEXT MAILING -- I wish you fun reading, lots of laughter and safe, wonderful, exciting journeys. You definitely deserve it!

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