South America's only Dutch-speaking country (English is also common) is a low-key, multicultural eco-wonder with virgin rainforests and a small but growing tourist industry, including some swell Caribbean beaches, golfing, resorts, and the UNESCO World Heritage historic district of its capital, Paramaribo.

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A travel blogger's overview of Suriname

  I've always been supercurious to visit Suriname, South America's only Dutch-speaking country, and of course Miamian travel blogger David Hoffman ( beat me to it. So here's one of his videos about this interesting little enclave on the continent's north coast. I think you'll learn a thing or two!!    

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  • Here´s a very helpful Suriname bucket list from, of all things, an Indian telecom company. Weird, I know, but very much worth a look!
    10 Unforgettable Places to Visit in Suriname in 2024
    Explore the top tourist places in Suriname, from historic Paramaribo to lush rainforests. Find the most beautiful famous places to visit in 2024.
  • I´m very interested in travel to UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and so it caught my eye that on UNESCO´s latest list of 43 new sites for 2023 it included a place in north of this country called the Jodensavanne Settlement and Cassipora Creek Cemetery. This is a settlement founded by European Jews in the 1680s, includes the ruins of what they think is the the earliest synagogue in the Americas, along with cemeteries, boat landing areas, and a military post. The Cassipora Creek Cemetery, meanwhile, is the remnant of an older settlement founded in the 1650s. You learn something new every day!
    Jodensavanne Archaeological Site: Jodensavanne Settlement and Cassipora Creek Cemetery
    Located on the densely forested banks of the Suriname River, the Jodensavanne Archaeological Site in northern Suriname is a serial property that illu…
  • To go a little more in depth re Paramaribo, I recommend this piece from travel blogger/vlogger David Hoffman (whom I know from when we were both living in Miami); it´s several years old but a lot of it still holds true:
    Top 15 Things to See and Do in Paramaribo, Suriname
    An in-depth look at the top 15 things to see and do in Paramaribo, Suriname, including its street markets, restaurants, wildlife, accommodations, and…
  • Here's a pretty cool video on U.S.-based YouTube channel Travel Spots highlighting 10 of the top ten spots to visit in this country - many of them nature-oriented, of course, but several historical/cultural:
  • Here's an interesting piece published recently by the English-language site involving a young Rotterdam man's discovery of and writing a novel about his Surinamese heritage, and a central part of that includes winti, which is a Surinamese religion of elemental spirits and ancestor worship developed by slaves brought over from West Africa beginning in the 17th century:
  • Anybody have any ideas for short-term volunteer projects in Suriname?
  • Suriname gets a shout-out on this week's Tripatini blog survey of hot destinations for 2010. Check it out!
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