Beijing Lily Massage Outcall 13288872747

Welcome to our website  , created by Lily who offers Outcall Massage Service in Beijing China.
Outcall service time from10AM to 8PM Daily. Lily has been a massage therapist for flight attendants from United Airlines, Northwest Airlines, England Airlines, Singapore Airlines, etc since 2002. And she has enjoyed very good reputation among airline fight atendants.
We have more independent masseuses for you and we can get to your hotel within 1 hour afer your reservation.It is better to book our serices 2 hours in advance, since traffic sometimes in Beijing is horrible!
Get to know how much of our massage services please see Massage Rate part. Lily and her collegues can provide you Chinese TCM Massage (Tuina). Please e-mail  us when you need massage service in Beijing ,we will provide you skillful masseuses and therapists to come your hotel room . And when you need tour services, Lily's husband Bob Wang can provide you a brilliant private tour in Beijing , see Beijing Tour of this site please! Lily's cell phone number is 13288872747, Lily ‘s e-mail is



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