Create A “Foodoir”  Of Your Own at Cap Maison

“The Spice Necklace Experience” Package


Inspired by the recent release of Ann Vanderhoof’s newest book,  The Spice Necklace; My Adventures in Caribbean Cooking, Eating, and Island Life, Cap Maison is giving guests the chance to create a “foodoir” memoir of their own.   Now through December 18, 2010, St. Lucia’s popular boutique hotel will offer a 3-night “Spice Necklace Experience” package for two, which includes a Villa Suite, guided tour of the Castries Central Market and all meals cooked by Executive Chef Craig Jones of Cliff at Cap restaurant, using the array of island spices and fresh local ingredients that Vanderhoof deliciously discovers during her journey by sailboat through the Eastern Caribbean.  Cap Maison is even including the St. Lucian aphrodisiac cocktail the author refers to as “island Viagra”.


The Spice Necklace Experience

Available through December 18, 2010

US $2400 per couple includes:

  • Accommodation for 3 nights in a Villa Suite with pool
  • All Meals, beverages (US$75 per room per day credit)
  • Personalized shopping tour of the Castries Central Market for West Indian produce and spices shopping
  • Complimentary copy of The Spice Necklace; My Adventures in Caribbean Cooking, Eating, and Island Life, published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
  • Airport Transfers.

*Additional night(s) and Upgrades available

*Package price does not include 18% tax and service


For bookings and more information, guests may call Reservations toll free at 1-888-765-4985 or send an email to, or visit the website at






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