PRESS RELEASE: allergy friendly hotels

It is estimated that there are over 300 million allergy sufferers. The most common substance to cause allergic reactions…are dust mites and particles. At least 45 percent of young people with asthma are allergic to dust mites. Hotels are beginning to wake up to the medical needs of millions of allergy sufferers and are offering allergy friendly rooms that have special features that may include anti allergy bedding, hardwood floors, minimum upholstry, bedding washed above 60 degrees, smoke free and pet free and cater for special diets. Hotels in the States seem to be leading the way (don't they always!) and it is estimated that currently around 40% of all accommodation in the States is offering some allergy friendly features. Great news! Some are making a small additional charge for these rooms but as an allergy sufferer wouldn't you pay a small fee to ensure that you or someone in your family doesn't have an allergic reaction? As a wife of an allergy sufferers we have great difficulties in finding allergy friendly hotels but have started a new site called which lists hotels and their allergy friendly features making it easy to find suitable accommodation.

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