Creating unique forms of tourism

People travel for many reasons. Some travel for business, others travel for a sense of adventure or for relaxation.  Leisure travel only succeeds if it provides two essential elements (1) the travel experience must offer something that the visitor cannot obtain at home and (2) the travel experience must provide memories. In fact, we can postulate that the travel and tourism business sells memories. Globalization has done many wonderful things not only for people in general but also for the travel industry. There is no doubt that never before in history have so many people have had so many travel opportunities to places that were considered only a few decades beyond the reach of the average person. In a like manner, globalization has brought the world a certain sense of standardization. The world now is filled with chain stores, hotels that look alike and restaurants that offer standard menus.  In some ways this world standardization facilities travel.  We know what we are getting and if we take into account different currencies' values and local labor costs, then prices are reasonably standardized.  In Europe the introduction of the euro has meant that travelers no longer need to worry about exchanging currencies from one European Union country to another...

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