A cool lighthouse B&B on the Oregon coast

Who doesn't like a lighthouse? Artistic sentinels of the past and present that conjure up thoughts of tumultuous seas and shipwrecks along craggy coasts. For some, a lighthouse may bring visions of a peaceful life with the siren call of gulls and foghorns. Adventure to some, serenity to others. Who lived such a life and how did they live it? There's a great way to find out, if only for a day or two.

There are not many American lighthouses with guest facilities, but there are a few. One of the best is the often-photographed Heceta Lighthouse near the town of Florence. The old lighthouse keeper's home is just a few minutes' walk from the lighthouse and is now a thriving B&B with one of the most scenic outlooks of the rugged Oregon coast.

Read more in Tripatini contributors Wayne and Judy Bayliff´s post The Oregon Coast´s Heceta Lighthouse Bed and Breakfast.

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