Dear All,
I have just joined the group so I hope I am using the forum correctly!

I would like to invite journalist members to contact me with regard to reviewing The William Bray.  This is a new bar & restaurant in the heart of the quintessential Surrey village of Shere.  Here are some bullet point 'whys' as I don't want to take up too much of your time and space!
* Newly opened by ex-Formula One racing driver Julian Bailey (rumoured to have been The Stig)
* Superb up and coming star chef Mark Routledge
* Local focus includes Surrey Hills Brewery Beers, Sherbourne Farm meats, Tillingbourne Smokery fish and Secrett's vegetables  
* Excellent events including wine dinner hosted by Bodgeas LAN and Eddie Jordan & his band both this month
* Shere itself is often used as a location shoot.  Recent 'appearances' include:- The Holiday, The Wedding Date, Bridget Jones Diary

Please contact me

Best wishes

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