Cultural experiences are among the key reasons many of us travel, and they are manifold, from performances to exhibitions to festivals. Here the topic is consumer-oriented cultural travel & tourism in all its forms.

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A taste of cowboy and ranching culture in Guyana

Carsten ten BrinkThe 5,000-square-mile Rupununi Savannah in the southwest between the Rupunini River and the border with Brazil - was one of the most memorable parts of our trip to Guyana. Home to the Macushi, Patamona, Wai-Wai, and Wapishana peoples, its wonderful to explore via 4x4 and ATV, including  wildlife spotting (such as capybaras and giant anteaters) and overnights at cattle ranches (complete with cowboys") which also welcome guests.   read post  

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Eurovision 2024 in Malmö, Sweden: the world´s biggest annual pop-cultural extravaganza

  SVT/EBU The world´s premier song contest just completed its spectacular 68th edition with the usual lineup of singing, dancing, special effects, silliness and seriousness, pulling in a TV audience of hundreds of millions plus thousands of fans who flocked to Sweden´s third city from 90 countries. Plus this year there was a degree of history making (non-binaries, take a bow!), along with controversy in the form of scandal (thanks to a goofy Dutchman) and protests (thanks to Israel´s presence…

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European Capitals of Culture 2024: Bad Ischl, Bodø, and Tartu

4FR, Jacob Wackerhausen,RAndrey Annually since 1985, the cultural poobahs of the European Union have designated one or more of the continent's cities (and as of 2022 it's been three rather than two), as Capitals of Culture, focusing on their own cultural offerings and allowing them to organize a series of wider cultural events (many with a strong pan-European dimension) - which bring in considerable additional revenue; foster urban renewal; and raise their international profiles and images.…

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Kenyan culture: a look at its traditional arts and crafts

For many, the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to Kenya is wildlife and safaris. But visitors should also keep in mind this country´s rich artistic and cultural heritage - thanks to its more than 70 ethnic groups such as the Kikuyu, Kamba, Luhya, Maasai, and Kalenjin  - both to witness (such as tribal dances) and to buy as mementos of their trip here (esecially masks, figurines, and other forms of sculpture). This beautiful country keeps the spirit of its ancestors alive through…

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