Vietnam was once known as the country of War. However, after declaring its independence about 70 years ago, Vietnam has been rising strong and becoming one of the top destinations in Southeast Asia.

Hanoi - the capital of Vietnam, is leading the list of most famous places to visit for first time travellers. You might wonder why and what makes this city so special.

So here is the reason. Different from any other cities in the world, Hanoi is a clever combination between Western culture and Eastern culture, between tradition and modernity. 

1. Eastern Culture - the traditional side:

There are many places, attractions that represent the traditional side with the Buddhist style of architecture. Temple of Literature for example. 

                                                                          Temple of Literature, Hanoi

Constructed in the feudal dynasty, Temple of Literature was the first university of Vietnam. Here you'll  see the influence of Buddhism and Confucian civilization in Vietnamese Culture. 

Another one is Vietnam Museum of Ethnology. You know that Vietnam has a total of 54 ethnics group. 

In this museum, they display items, objects and recreate daily activities of each ethnic group for better understanding. Tourists will gain more knowledge of the diversity of sub-cultures in Vietnam, other than the dominant culture of the Kinh ethnic group.

                                                                        Vietnam Museum of Ethnology

2. Western Culture - the modern side:

They are mainly buildings and places left from the French colonial era. The French brought a Western culture and style into Vietnam, which was totally different from the traditional Eastern culture.

The most striking symbol for this is Saint Joseph Cathedral in Hanoi. Built by the French, the Cathedral was said to resemble the famous Notre Dame de Paris cathedral. It has a totally Western architecture style with neo-gothic design.

                                                                        Saint Joseph Cathedral

You can also explore the French Quarter Hanoi, which is the charming and elegant part of Hanoi, different from the hustling and bustling atmosphere of the Old Quarter.

The French Quarter includes of Hanoi Opera House, Hoa Lo Prison, National Museum of Vietnamese History and many Hotels, Restaurants and Coffee Shops. 

With all the beautiful attractions and friendly people, Hanoi is definitely worth to be your next destination. Grab your backpack and let's go.

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