Many older travelers have special wants, needs, and interests. So folks, this one's for you!

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8 great activities for seniors (and others) visiting San Diego

Did you know that California's second largest city sees, on average, nearly 36 million visitors every year? As a matter of fact, it’s considered one of the top travel destinations in the states. So what’s bringing all of these people to San Diego each year? Perhaps it’s the warm weather, or maybe the beautiful beaches. Although the weather is wonderful and the beaches are beautiful, I think tourists flock here especially because of all the great activities it has to offer - enough to keep you…

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4 of the best cruise lines for boomer/senior travelers

According to reports, more than 20 million people take a cruise every year, and they're particularly popular among the baby boom generation - folks in their 60s and up. And after all, why shouldn’t they? It’s so easy to pack for a cruise and they get to socialize with other boomers while visiting exciting destinations. If you belong to this generation, chances are you’re thinking about taking a cruise yourself. However, with the popularity of cruising constantly growing, there are also more…

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6 top travel tips for seniors

  Traveling as a senior comes with its own set of adventures. As a senior, you now have the time, money and life experiences to be able to enjoy travel in a new and unique way. Travel is also a great way to keep the body active and stimulate the mind with the learning of new languages, for example. However, traveling as a senior also comes with its own set of risks and limitations. Whether you’re taking a day trip within your home city, or flying half way across the world, there’s certain…

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