Local Hanoi nightlife at Bia Hoi Junction

Bia hoi (fresh beer) refers both to the refreshingly light, chilled, cheap, straw-coloured draught beer (a bit lower in alcohol content than beer elsewhere in the world) and the no-frills neighbourhood drinking spots where you’ll finding yourself throwing them back. For instance, your new friends might say to you “Let’s go for Bia Hoi!” or “Let’s head to the Bia Hoi!,” which is in the old quarter at the intersection of Ta Hien Street and Luong Ngoc Quyen Street. Rubbing shoulders with locals while downing a cold one is an integral part of participating in Vietnam´s lively drinking culture.

It´s one of Tripatini contributor Adventure Journey´s 10 of the Coolest Experiences You Can Have in Vietnam.


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