Once people navigated by the positions of the stars. Today, astrology can still help you navigate, serving as a kind of spiritual travel agent - clueing you in, for example, about destinations likely to be good and less good matches for your temperament and personality. Give it a try, wish upon a star or two!
Where to Travel According to Your Chinese Zodiac Sign
RootOfAllLight Lunar New Year 2024 has just ended, landing us in the year of the Dragon, and it got me to thinking: there´s quite a bit out there on where/how to travel according to Western star signs, aligning destinations with your astrological characteristics, but you don´t hear much of anything on the subject when it comes to Chinese astrology. As someone who´s studied Chinese and Sinic culture, I looked into it a bit, and here´s what I came up with, with a couple of destination…
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So back to your question. I'd do Arizona, New Mexico, California, etc based on their official statehood... And the history and mosaic of cultures will be reflected in that chart.
Catalonia is a great example (or for that matter almost any Spanish province that had an independent history, such as the Pais Vasco or Navarra). I would probably try to find a city charter for Barcelona, and work with that, as well as Spain because despite the separate language, culture, customs it IS still intertwined with Spain.
You could, for argument's sake, take the formation of a political separatist party, even an, ahem, questionable entity like the ETA for the Basque Country. If you believe that most people would prefer to form their own country, or attain greater autonomy, then that could well be a valid point of origin or birthdate.