Higher Baggage Fees. Really.

Airlines are charging up to $450 for baggage fees for bags weighing 71 or more pounds. That's a lot of weight, but not a shocking amount of weight for people traveling for trade shows, sports, or relocation for a new job. London's Daily Mail reports that American Airlines has begun billing customers the staggering amount for an oversize bag weighing between 71lbs and 100lbs. "Even fees for a normal sized bag can now be as high as $43, the study by USA Today revealed." American, Continental, and United have the highest fees, with Delta charging merely $200 for that overweight bag. 

What's the solution -- or is there no solution? 

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  • Good advice, Anil. You just have to be sure that if you're shipping baggage -- I'm thinking of some of the golf and ski gear services -- you don't end up paying the shipper an equally exorbitant fee.
  • The solution seems to be -

    • Rethink what you want to lug around.
    • Get a Branded Credit Card that has free checked baggage, such as DL Amex Card.
    • Ship your overweight luggage with cargo or shippers.


    The last time I voluntarily checked a bag was in mid 1990s. That was about two million miles ago. Traveling overseas ? Research the country and check if the amenities you are used to having with you are readily available. Check with your doctor for the equivalent pharmaceutical/chemical name of non-essential drugs. Going on vacation ? Leave those extra t-shirts at home; a local store will have inexpensive shirts.

    Going on a backpacker's budget ? rethink your 20L or 30L backpacks and split it in two - One that internationally you are allowed free, and second as carryon. 


    My two cents on the topic :)

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