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7 Utah eco-gems featured in the new Kevin Costner Movie ´Horizon, an American Saga´

©Perry Kibler There´s an undeniable allure for travellers to embark on a cinematic pilgrimage to the locations that have captured our imaginations on screen. One such destination which promises to enchant, with sweeping vistas and rugged landscapes, is Utah, the setting for Kevin Costner's epic four-film series Horizon: An American Saga, the first of which was just released at the end of June. With a budget of $100 million, the films series a dozen years of the settlement of the U.S. West…

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10 places which show how Zambia Is eco-amazing

 Diego Delso When it comes to safaris and ecotourism, Zambia often takes a back seat to the likes of Botswana, Kenya, and Tanzania. But this large country in south-central Africa is positively packed with eco treasures, and its marquis attraction is one of the planet´s most spectacular waterfalls, Victoria Falls, which it shares with Zimbabwe. In addition, there are some 20 teeming nature reserves which offer as rewarding an eco-experience as any of Zambia´s neighbors – arguably even more so,…

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7 ecotourism stars of Honduras

  HermésLeonelVega Though Costa Rica is Central America´s (and perhaps all of Latin America´s) premier star when it comes to ecotourism, there´s also an undersung but incredibly rich trove of eco treasures to be explored next door in Honduras, with lush rainforests and stunning coastlines, among other things. On the marine side – exploring the richness of the world´s second largest coral reef, the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef – the islands of Roatán and Utila are better known. But here are a…

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Ecotourism in '10 of the Coolest Experiences You Can Have in Vietnam´

This scintillating southeast Asian country is renowned for its many historic temples, colonial architecture, geological wonders, fine beaches, and mouthwatering cuisine, but Vietnam also offers plenty of cool experiences - some of which are unusual, and several of which you can´t even have elsewhere. Despite years of colonialism, then war, then modernisation, there remain parts of Vietnam which remains relatively authentic, where locals make great efforts to preserve many traditions and…

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  • 9012334854?profile=originalThomas, West Africa Discovery's CEO, will be travelling to Sierra Leone for a research project he is conducting for his MSc in Responsible Tourism Management. As part of his travels, he wants to involve all of you in his journey of discovery (itinerary, experiences, photos, facts, stories, videos, etc...). To start things off, he has plotted his planned itinerary including information about the places he will visit and the things he hopes to do. Regular updates will be posted on this page to keep you involved in his journey.  


    To view the Itinerary, click here 

    We are also raising funds to buy school material for the communities Thomas is visiting. Here is a break down of the items that we will buy.

  • Fam trips to our Oasis Camp Lake Elementaita at USD 40 per person fullboard.

  • Living a rural experience in Umbria

    From October 3 to December 18, 2011, you can spend a week's holiday in the countryside as cheap as possible participating in the activities of the farm.
    You will live like family, sharing their normal daily tasks and participating in agricultural activities for 3-4 hours a day, the rest of the time you can dedicate to walking, visits to the most important historical sites of Umbria, Perugia, Assisi, Gubbio, or reading, meditation, and in the evening, at dinner, sharing the experiences of the day with everyone enjoying the company and local products.



    including accommodation, breakfast, lunch and dinner:                                                                                   50€ per person per day 


    Cooking course, 3 days,

    with the elaboration of traditional Umbrian and research recipes, focusing on the use of seasonal and local products:

                                                                 100€ per person



    -         by reservation only

    -         Minimum stay 5 days (Saturday and Sunday may be included)

    -         Depending on individual skills, participation of 3-4 hours day at the farm's daily activities is required

    -         Who does not want to carry out activities in the country will be a surcharge of 40 € per day


    for inormation:

  • Business Partnership

    We are a small intimate eco lodge located on the shores of Lake Elementaita Kenya which recently became a UNESCO world heritage site.
    Our Lodge is suited for families, birders and nature lovers.

    The sorrounding attractions/activities include.
    - Visit to the Great Rift Valley Lakes - Lake Nakuru, Naivasha, Bogoria and Lake Baringo
    -Early morning or Late evening dip at a hotsprings near the camp - a relaxing treat
    -Game viewing at Lake Nakuru national park
    -Visit to Kariandusi Prehistoric site discovered by Dr. Leakey
    -Visit to Menengai Crater and Hyrax Hill prehistoric sites.
    -Visit to Thompson Falls
    -Hiking on the Oasis Trail - A thrilling 3-4 hr hike/climb with great views
    -Biking Tours - Very nice biking trails around the camp - Please bring your bike
    -bird watching along the shores of Lake Elementaita and the acacia forest
    -Or you could just relax in the camp with a book or listen to the birds

    We are looking for partners who would be interested in booking their clients in our facility.
    For more info:


  • Dear Mr. Ping :
    We have just finished two days tour of sightseeing in Guilin and will  return to Shanghai tomorrow.  Since I have taken hundreds of photos, it may take me awhile to sort through them and send you some of them.  So please be patient and send me a reminder in a week if you have not received them by then.
        As we wrote in the written report for Jones, we have only very good things to say about our experience in Beijing.  Both Jones and Mr.Ping provided us with excellent service.  They were friendly, polite and efficient.  Jones is very knowledgeable and she provided us with excellent commentary at every place that we visited.  We particularly appreciated both her flexibility and her responsiveness to our special requests.   For example, Pam wanted very much to visit Mao''s tomb, so Jones rearranged our schedule so that we could do so and still visit all of the other sights that we wanted to see.  Jones and Mr. Ping coordinated everything perfectly.  We also appreciated Jones's choice of restaurants.  She asked us what kind of restaurants we liked, we told her and she found them for us.  We enjoyed every lunch.  We will certainly recommend your service to our friends and relatives, and we will also recommend that they request that Johnes be their guide.  She was unfailingly helpful to us from the time she and Mr. Ping picked us up at Beijing Airport until the time that he took us back to Beijing Airport and helped us check in for our flight to Xi'an.
    Is there your website guest book link page or just posted on your home page??

       Thank you again for making our visit to Beijing so enjoyable.  We will send you some of our photos soon.
    Cathy in from USA

  • Welcome to the most exotic  hiking trail in the world. A trail that takes you up and around the island of Dominica. Its not only about walking and enjoying the beautiful sceneries around the island but a chance to learn of the countries national heritage.
    The Waitukubuli National trail tells a story about the country of Dominica and uncovers the history of the early settlers during and after the slave revolution.


  • Dear Colleague,
    We have just finalized our new system. It is an international system which enables us to sell your tours and promote your hotels.
    If you are a travel agency, please click on our memberships link. You can give your company information and become a member which will enable you to put your own tours to our web-page.
    If you are a hotel, you can also become a member and give your information about your prices and availability for the periods that you will put on the web-page.
    We will promote your products in most famous tourism fairs, travel magazines and Google, without any charge.

    Best Regards
    Murtaza Kalender
    General Manager
    Travel Shop Turkey
  • Do not miss this exciting weekend to discover the traditions and the organic flavours.

    You can participate in the olive harvest, eat in the country with traditional and organic products, and in the evening when the sunset turns into a sky adorned with stars together to taste the dishes prepared by our chefs and the newly milled oil. All those who participate in the olive harvest will receive a tank of 3 liters of new oil.

    The complete program includes a stay of two nights (from Friday, October 21 to Sunday, October 23), 3 dinners, lunches in the country of 22 and 23, water, fruit and wine.

     For information:

  • Celebration time after a successful morning hike/bird walk9010720487?profile=original
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