Okay let me put this into perspective.
I saw this great movie based on an excellent book "Under the Tuscan Sun". It's been out for quite a while. Diane Lane plays the part of a recently divorced (husband cheated - nasty stuff) writer who decides to sell all of her material possessions (some of which her X husband receives in a settlement) and take a Gay Tour (yes she is the only woman on this tour - her friend had already purchased the package and could not go so gave her the tickets) of Tuscany.
After much trepidation she joins the tour and has lots of laughs with her fellow travel mates. She enjoys the fine food, the wine and the incredible scenery.
Then one day the bus goes through a small village and she sees this old villa and it talks to her. What does it say? It says "Get off the bus right now, take your luggage with you, buy me, move in and well the rest is a surprise."
So what does she do?
Well she gets off the bus with her luggage and she ends up buying the villa, renovating, meeting a gorgeous Italian man, having an affair, rediscovering herself, taking lots of baths, eating fruit from her garden, drinking lots of wine and caring for her best friend who shows up direct from NYC pregnant and alone.
So what is this Blog Post really all about? It's about the fantasy that most of us have (okay it's my fantasy) of just getting rid of everything and hopping on a plane and taking it somewhere beautiful with great weather and living there for a while without any commitments or schedule.

It's about saying "Here is what I want in my life and I am tired of what everyone else wants from my life. I am going to travel somewhere that makes me feel alive and provides me with an amazing experience that blows me away and carries me to a new place and time. I want to eat whatever I want to eat. I want to have cocktails every night as the sun sets. I want to be immersed in a new and different culture - their music, art, wine, food and their men - I mean their Manicotti.
But who has the time to plan all of that? I mean really - this requires an expert - someone who can listen when you talk and relate to your need to escape and grab life by the ... so we are here to help. Yes, we THE HUMAN TRAVEL PLANNERS. We talk, we listen, we plan and we get you where you want to go without you having to do anything except show up at the airport and get on that plane (gorgeous Mediterranean Men not included - sorry).
There are moments in life when windows of time open ever so slightly.
Your moment may be now - under a Tuscan Sun.
Voyages Groupe Ideal - Ideal Travel
We'll take you there - We'll take you EVERYWHERE
Yours in Social Media & Travel lisacohen@groupeideal.ca
And I'll pay double if you can arrange Raoul Bouva! :-)