Kedougou-en-Senegal-640x427.jpg?profile=RESIZE_710xNiels Broekzitte


One of Senegal's most remote tribes dwells in the hills of the country's southeast. And after visiting this region and its multicultural landscapes - also including the Peul (aka Fula or Fulani) and Bedik ethnic groups - we highly recommend it to those who prefer cultural and responsible tourism, and those who want to experience Africa at its most rustic and adventurous.

The gateway to Iiyari, aka Bassari country, is Tambacounda, eastern Senegal's largest city (pop. 115,000), an hour's flight or six-hour drive southeast of national capital Dakar, and a crossroads which doesn’t have much in the way of prominent visitor attractions, except just south of town for the country's only national park, Niokolo-Koba, a UNESCO World Heritage Site whose woodland savannah and semi-arid forest are home to impressive fauna including lions, leopards, and hippos.  But the city's certainly a pleasant enough stop on your trip across the country.


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