Eileen Tan/


Google recently released its list of its most popular searches during 2022, and when it comes to scenic spots in the United States there are some surprises. For starters, “scenic spots” in Google’s definition does not include iconic places like Vermont’s Technicolor White Mountains in fall or the yawning Grand Canyon in Arizona (and by the waym more about canyons later). Instead, Google users were primarily interested in where to see and photograph some of Mother Nature’s magnificent scenic locations, along with several monuments to man’s ingenuity. Here’s the list of the chosen ten and, for those who might wish to visit over the course of this year, a few additional surprises.

Interestingly, the compilation is led by DUMBO. No, not the pachyderm that starred in the 1941 Disney film; to New Yorkers, it's the acronym for “Down Under Manhattan Bridge Overpass” (top).  A stretch of Washington Street in the borough of Brooklyn offering a dramatic view of the Manhattan Bridge soaring overhead with Empire State Building framed in the distance, it was the most often searched scenic spot in the country last year. (fun fact: when traffic began crossing the span in 1909, after the Brooklyn and Williamsburg bridges had been built, the plan was to name it simply “Bridge No. 3").

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