3 of Europe's most gay/LGBTQ-welcoming cities


Welcome once again to Pride month, celebrated in increasing numbers of destinations around the world - although also under pressure in some of them, sadly even including part of the United States, the very country where the celebration of Pride originated. Of course, depending on where you go, travelling while LGBT+ can be a challenge, particularly if you're with a same-sex partner and/or if you are visibly queer. Sadly, there are still many countries where being gay is still considered a crime, and even in some areas where it's legal there is always the risk of being harassed or even attacked simply for your sexual orientation or gender. Nobody wants to feel threatened, especially on a holiday where you are simply trying to have a good time, enjoy yourself, and be yourself.

That's why Europe - particularyl Western Europe - is an excellent choice of destination for LGBT+ travellers, being the most gay-friendly continent in the world with a long history of sexual liberation backed up by legal rights to marriage and other individual liberties. In many European countries there's also an abundance of gay and gay-friendly clubs, making it easy to go out for the night and have fun in a safe environment with like-minded people.

These days gays, lesbians, and other queer travellers will find welcomes in all sorts of European cities, including Barcelona, Brussels, Copenhagen, Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London, Paris, Prague, Stockholm, and Vienna, to name just a few. But the following are perhaps the top three of the most LGBT+ friendly cities on the Continent, complete with numerous clubs, bars, restaurants, and other places where being queer is not only accepted, but positively embraced...


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