Wide-open spaces, sizzling slopes, cosmopolitan cities, and plenty more, eh?


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6 of Montreal´s top hotels

  Another Believer One of Canada´s most colorful and culturally fascinating cities also offers a full and varied menu of lodging options, from budget to ultra luxe. Although there´s so much to choose from, for various reasons here are a half dozen that particularly stand out: read post  

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The Top 8 Musts of Toronto

  Canada´s most populous city (around 2.8 million, metro area 6.7 million) as well as the fourth largest by population in North America is wonderfully diverse and offers visitors a wide and varied menu. There are far more than eight great things to see and do in Toronto, but these are the absolute musts: read post  

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2 Canadian ranches in 'Fall for North America on these 8 Horse Ranch Holidays'

  @danielles_lens​   There is no better place in which to snap autumn's kaleidoscope of colours than the USA and Canada. At this time of year, its larger-than-life landscapes bathe in a sea of fiery reds, brilliant oranges and shimmering golds, and there are plenty more options than New England. Best of all, you can take in these spellbinding 360-degree views from the saddle. Leading riding holiday specialist Ranch Rider has selected seven properties (the list includes working, guest, dude, and…

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  • This week's all new report at The World on Wheels takes us to Toronto. Accessible Attractions - Toronto.

    The World on Wheels
    An ongoing adventure of travel and living while using a wheelchair. Tim has been disabled from birth. Darryl is his father and caregiver who travel…
  • Read about Lamlash, Arran, Scotland, from where a ship left for Canada during the Clearances in 1829


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    increase your chances of winning.) The grand prize winner will be announced Friday April 5th 2013.


  • Moving along on the longest road trip we've ever done at The World on Wheels. Next stop after Toronto is Niagara Falls. Long a place I've always avoided (but my wife wanted to see), come along a see if I was right: http://tinyurl.com/26nk483

    The World on Wheels
    An ongoing adventure of travel and living while using a wheelchair. Tim has been disabled from birth. Darryl is his father and caregiver who travel…
  • It's the longest trip we've ever taken. 17 days...which is an eon when you're traveling with a manual wheelchair and a Ford Taurus. At The World on Wheels, come along as we start this epic road trip in Toronto, Ontario: http://tinyurl.com/2co52fx

    The World on Wheels
    An ongoing adventure of travel and living while using a wheelchair. Tim has been disabled from birth. Darryl is his father and caregiver who travel…
  • If you are looking for the best deals in travel insurance please check out our profile and visit our site http://www.securiglobe.com 


  • Hi folks!  If anybody knows the Algoma region, one of our travel writer members would love tips for a guide she's working on. Please respond to her not on this wall but at this link to our Ask A Travel Pro forum. Thanks much!!

  • Yesterday as I was handing a $5 bill to a merchant at the kensington market, a teenager grabbed the money out of my hand and ran. I was shocked because I have never been robbed here in Toronto or any other Canadian City. Paris and Madrid yes, but not Canada. Have you ever been robbed in Canada or have you like me gone your whole life without anything bad happening?

  • Now on our blog: an interesting look at Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario.

  • Heard of Vancouver's Granville Island? New on our blog: what makes it special.

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