airports (28)

Billions Spent, But Are We Any Safer?


Billions Spent, But Are We Any Safer?

In its usual witty, acerbic but always readable content, FastCompany  looks at the Transportation Security Administration’s  huge expenditures on air travel since 9/11 in their efforts to keep us safe.

How huge is huge?

Fifty-six plus billion dollars spent on schemes and strategies that more of ten than not fall flat or never get off the ground.

But as the publication asks, who’s getting the money? And what is working?

On balance there seem to be more busts than

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Bali: Paradise Buried


If Bali is on your bucket list, scratch it off. I’ll save you the long plane ride and the money to get there by telling you that the romantic, idyllic paradise you have in your mind about Bali has been buried under tourists, traffic and trash. Our introduction to Bali might have jaded us. I know it jaded my wife. The line at immigration was not long, but the clerks were very slow. Directly in front of us were two grungy euro looking trekkers with dreads. I fully expected them to get seriously sc

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Flying the Family-Unfriendly Airports

Flying the Family Unfriendly Airports

Crying kids, stressed parents and unhappy families may not be exactly typical of families flying from our nation’s airports, but  the scene is all too familiar.

And it’s not the families’ faults.

Skyscanner,  the flight comparison site, asked 1000 family travelers what they thought about their airports, and, unsurprisingly, about two-thirds said airports are not family-friendly places, lacking facilities for families and doing nothing that caters to their needs
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Are You Flying a Mean Airline?

Are You Flying a Mean Airline? 

It’s great that the airlines made money last year, all except American Airlines that is.

And according the recently released 2011 Airline Quality Rating (AQR) report, the experience of flying has improved too.

The AQR  is a touted as a “premier statistical study of major airline performances in the United States” conducted by a Wichita State and Purdue University professor.

Still, outrageous baggage fees, elimination of food and other creature comforts, numerous add-
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A major showdown looms in Texas, where a law was approved banning invasive pat-downs at airport checkpoints. In response, the TSA has threatened to cancel all flights departing from any gateway in the state.

Earlier in May, the Texas House of Representatives unanimously voted to pass an "anti-groping" bill, which would categorize any TSA pat-down that "touches the anus, sexual organ, buttocks, or breast of another person including through the clothing, or touches the other person in a manner tha

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You have to see it to believe ii.

The brand new, much touted new Terminal 2 that just opened at San Francisco’s International Airport.

The video news clip is interesting, but less so than the terminal itself.

It may be one of the most modern, most chic, most green  airport terminals in the country, if not the world.

USA Today Travel report on such luxuries  as 350 power outlets for the “laptop-tethered business traveler,” a “recomposure” zone for passengers once they have cleared security, featuri

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Hello people!

Chile is known worldwide for its beautiful landscapes, nice weather, culture diversity and many more. Some tourists fall into amazement when they realize they are just an hour-and-a-half ahead from either mountain or the beach, skiing or the sea... from it's capital: Santiago

But let me talk you about some important information you need to know when you arrive to SCL Airport, regading transportation from the terminal.

When you clear customs and inmigration, and heading towards the ex

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Fun with TSA

I tend to have rather funny things happen to me when I travel. Perhaps it is because I travel
for fun, usually. I don't mind much, except standing in line at immigration in
a place like Lima Peru. In Lima, at least three jumbos arrive within a half
hour of each other at night, about midnight. The immigration post has a dozen
or so stations, of which two or three are manned. The line snakes back outside
of the immigration room, into an adjoining hallway, where people crush and
elbow their way towards

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