New Delhi: “Time has come when we have to work very hard on the character and career building of our students in school itself. A good education has to be amalgamated with moral science and skill development to make students of this country street smart,” said Dr. Sandeep Marwah Chancellor of AAFT University at CEGR School Education Summit at Hotel Eros.“I would like to propose two things to all the principals present here to introduced Scouts and Guides immediately to inculcate the nationalism and patriotism in the school kids. Not only it will make them alert but healthy too. The second very important is to introduce ample art and cultural activities for their over all personality development,” added Dr. Sandeep Marwah addressing large gathering.Many important people were part of the summit. Ravish Roshan Secretary CEGR thanked Dr. Marwah and A.P. Mittal President and Member Secretary AICTE honored Dr. Marwah for his contribution to the education industry.
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